Refreshed Web Interface > About DocStudio > Working in DocStudio > Working with Favorite Items
Working with Favorite Items
DocStudio gives you the ability to denote a live or a versioned document as a favorite. When you frequently copy or use certain documents as a template, you can denote such documents as favorites. When you denote a document as a favorite, the document is added to the list of favorite documents in the FAVORITE ITEMS table on the Refreshed Web Interface home page. The data in the FAVORITE ITEMS table is preserved for every new session. You can then easily access these documents to work on the data or use them as templates for creating new documents. The table is a location to find all your document templates.
Adding or Removing a Document from the FAVORITE ITEMS Table
To denote a currently loaded document as a favorite, click Add to Favorites on the DocStudio header. The document is added to the FAVORITE ITEMS table and the Add to Favorites icon changes to , indicating that the document is now a favorite.
To indicate a document as a non-favorite and remove it from the FAVORITE ITEMS table, click .
Replacing a Favorite Document in the FAVORITE ITEMS Table
The FAVORITE ITEMS table can accommodate a maximum of 25 documents. If you attempt to exceed the maximum number of favorite items, , the Replace Favorite Items dialog box opens. The dialog box informs you that you have reached the maximum limit of documents that can be added to the FAVORITE ITEMS table. It displays the list of all the items currently in the FAVORITE ITEMS table and provides you the option to replace an existing document with the document that you now wish to save as a favorite.
To replace a favorite document with another document, select the document that you no longer require as a favorite and click Update in the Replace Favorite Items dialog box. The selected document is replaced with the current document in the FAVORITE ITEMS table.
You cannot mark an As Of document as a favorite.
For information on sorting and filtering data in the FAVORITE ITEMS table and filtering data in the Replace Favorite Items dialog box, see Sorting and Filtering the Data.