Update Illustration
You can use the Update Illustration window to change information when updating an illustration from the Parts List Editor:
Filter or navigation criteria for the parts list content to be included in the illustration
As a default, the dialog box displays the filter and navigation criteria that were applied for the current version of the illustration.
To open the window, use the Related Objects > Update Illustration context menu choice for a parts list.
Set Filter
Use the fields in this tab to change the filters that limit the parts list content to be included in the updated illustration: The filter set when the illustration was created is applied if you don’t make changes here.
Saved Filters
Choose a filter from the list of filters saved for the current product
Configuration Specification
Create a filter to include or exclude parts based on a specific product configuration
For more information, see About Configuration Specifications.
Option Filter
Create a filter to include or exclude parts based on their assigned expressions
Attribute Filter
Create a filter to include or exclude parts based on their attributes
For more information, see Filtering on Attributes.
Service Effectivity
Create a filter to include or exclude parts based on their service effectivity settings
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