Filtering on Service Effectivity
Use the following procedure to create a filter for a structure based on the service effectivity of its components. Refer to Managing Service Effectivity for help on assigning service effectivity to components.
You can filter a publication structure, an information structure or a parts list in this way. Refer to About Service Structures for more information on service structures.
1. Open the structure to be filtered in a structure browser.
2. Invoke the Edit Filter window by clicking the Edit Filter icon or selecting Edit Filter from the Actions menu.
The Edit Filter window opens.
3. Navigate to the Service Effectivity tab.
4. Select and configure the service effectivity information and values on which to filter the structure.
Refer to Manage Applicability for further information about the data to add to the fields.
5. Use the Add and Remove buttons to ensure that the To Be Applied table contains a row for each required filter.
Use the Update button to apply changes made to existing rows in the table.
6. Click OK to save the changes and exit the Edit Filter window.
Once you have configured a service effectivity filter for the structure, it persists for the current session. You can save it for later reuse with the Saved Filters > Save menu option.
Please be aware of the following when filtering on service effectivity:
If Serial Number and Date are configured as separate filters (they appear in individual rows in the To Be Applied table), their values are matched in an OR search. If either filter is matched with attributes on the part, the part is displayed in the parts list.
If a part has a value of All set for a service effectivity type under a specific context, and the filter has a specified value for either of these effectivity types, the part remains in the parts list. If the effectivity type matches, but the context is different, the part is filtered out.
For example:
A part has a service effectivity object with this configuration assigned: Effectivity Type = Serial Number; Context = PartA; Value = All;. The filter specifies this information:Effectivity Type = Serial Number; Context = PartA; Value = 1234;. The part remains in the parts list.
A part has a service effectivity object with this configuration assigned: Effectivity Type = Serial Number; Context = PartA; Value = All;. The filter specifies this information: Effectivity Type = Serial Number; Context = PartB; Value = 1234;. The part is filtered out of the parts list.
If the content of a parts list is filtered with service effectivity filters, only parts and illustrations that meet the filter criteria are included when the parts list is viewed, exported, or published. This also applies to Options and Variants (ATO) filters applied to the content.
Refer to Customizing Service Effectivity for information on registering custom attributes for service effectivity objects.
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