New Illustration
You can use the New Illustration window to define two types of information when creating an illustration from the Parts List Editor:
Filter or navigation criteria for the parts list content to be included in the illustration
To open the window, use the Related Objects > New Illustration context menu choice for a parts list.
Set Attributes
Use the fields in this tab to add the required attributes for the illustration.
The name of the illustration
The folder where the illustration should be saved
Autoselect the product folder or use the tree browser to choose one of the product’s sub-folders
Creo Illustrate or Arbortext IsoDraw
Set Filter
Use the fields in this tab to define the filters that limit the parts list content to be included in the illustration: The current default filter set for the Parts List Editor is applied if you don’t make changes here.
Saved Filters
Choose a filter from the list of filters saved for the current product
Configuration Specification
Create a filter to include or exclude parts based on a specific product configuration
For more information, see About Configuration Specifications.
Option Filter
Create a filter to include or exclude parts based on their assigned expressions
Attribute Filter
Create a filter to include or exclude parts based on their attributes
For more information, see Filtering on Attributes.
Service Effectivity
Create a filter to include or exclude parts based on their service effectivity settings
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