Transitions Tab
A transition is a movement from one internal state to another within a workflow template, reflecting a change in the workflow status. For example, initiation of a particular assigned activity node represents a transition.
Each transition can have a condition or expression attached to it. If this condition is true, the transition proceeds; if the condition is false, the transition does not proceed.
Transitions can also help you simplify a workflow process. For example, instead of using a method robot, you can use the Complete transition to set the state of the primary business object upon task completion.
The following appear in the Transitions tab by default. If you have added custom routing events, those also appear:
Starts an activity node transition if the transition variable expression result is true. If the result is false, the node cannot start.
Disables an activity node if the transition variable expression result is set to true.
Enables a disabled activity node if the transition variable expression result is set to true.
Suspends an activity node if the transition variable expression result is set to true.
Resumes a suspended activity node if the transition variable expression result is set to true.
Skips an activity node if the transition variable expression result is set to true.
Completes an activity node if the transition variable expression result is set to true.
Complete Task
Completes an individual task associated with the activity node if the transition expression result is true.
For more information, see Complete Task Transition
Terminates an activity node if the transition variable expression result is set to true.
Aborts an activity node if the transition variable expression result is set to true.
Resets an activity node if the transition variable expression result is set to true.
To add a condition to a transition, select the transition and enter an expression in the Optional Condition For Transition field. The condition is a standard Java expression.
For example, if you want to start a process only when a variable is set to a certain value, select the Start transition from the Transition list, and enter the following expression in the condition field:
if (i > 20)
result = true;
result = false;
Click Check Syntax to verify that the Java code you entered is correct.
For examples of transition expressions, see the following topics:
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