Routing Tab
You can use routing events to direct the workflow based on the outcome of the preceding node. You can define routing events at the process level and activity level.
A common use of routing is to provide a voting option on a task page. For example, in a review activity, you likely want to provide the assignee with the option of approving or rejecting the object.
To route a node, complete the following fields:
Routing Events
A name for the routing event. Event names are simple text strings, and each is separated by a new line.
If you are configuring user votes, the routing event name appears on the task information page.
Do not use a comma in the routing event name.
Routing Type
None—No routing.
Conditional—Programmatically determine the appropriate Routing Events to fire on activity completion.
Manual—Allow the user to select one or more routing event when completing the activity.
Manual exclusive—The user can only select one routing event when completing the activity.
The Manual and Manual exclusive options are only available when defining an activity.
Routing Expression
You must provide an expression (fragment of Java code) to set a special variable named result. The expression can reference any variable defined on the Variables tab.
Click the Check Syntax button to verify that the Java code you have entered is correct.
Conditional Routing Example
For example, you create a workflow for submitting employee invoices. If the cost is greater than $1000, the invoice needs a manager to approve it. If it is less than $1000, it can be automatically submitted for processing.
You want to route the invoice based on the value of the Cost attribute, and create two routing events named >1000 and <1000.
Select Routing Type > Conditional and enter the following expression:
if (cost > 1000)
result = ">1000";
result = "<1000";
If the cost is greater than $1000, the 1000 event is emitted. If the cost is less than or equal to $1000, the <1000 event is emitted. You can then use process action links to route the workflow based on these values:
For examples of routing expressions, see the following topics:
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