Properties Tab
The Properties tab allows you to specify the consequences of an error, including who is notified.
The “responsible role” is the user selected in the Responsible Role field under the General tab.
Notify the responsible role if there is an error
Send an email to the responsible role if there is an error during the initiation of the workflow process.
Notify the responsible role on abort
Send an email to the responsible role if the workflow process aborts due to a fatal error.
Abort if there is an error
Aborts the workflow process if an unexpected error occurs during its execution.
Abort the parent process (if any) on abort
Aborts any parent workflow process if the subprocess aborts due to any fatal error.
Record variable changes
Record workflow process variable changes as part of the workflow history.
Set dedicated queue
Creates a dedicated WfUserWorkQueue and a dedicated WfPropagationQueue for executing workflow processes instantiated from this workflow template. If this property is disabled, the workflow process is executed in the shared user work and propagation queues.
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