Workflow Robots
Activity nodes rely on assigned users to complete workflow tasks. Workflow robots complete workflow tasks without requiring user interaction.
You create a recipient list and a custom email message. When the workflow reaches the notification robot, the email is automatically sent out to the users in the recipient list.
The method robot includes a set of predefined actions. You can configure the robot to complete one of the actions within a set of parameters.
For example, you can configure a method robot to check out an object to a specified user or to change the state of an object.
The checkpoint node sends an automated notification when the checkpoint is reached in the workflow template. The email is only sent to users who have subscribed to the event.
The timer node delays the start of a node for a specified amount of time.
Use this robot to execute system commands on the server.
Use this robot to execute a Java expression in the workflow.
Synchronize the start of a node or process with another event.
This robot can access an HTML page or web service.
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