URL Robot
The URL Robot node executes a URL to communicate with another server and can initiate an operation or retrieve status information to be collected in a string variable.
Binary objects, such as graphics, cannot be retrieved; however, HTML links to such objects can be retrieved.
You can use the URL robot node for purposes such as initiating various Info*Engine tasks or providing information necessary to complete workflow tasks.
Error conditions are handled through automatically-supplied links that route to specific error handlers.
General Tab
On the General tab, specify the basic attributes of the robot.
Name -- Enter a name for the URL robot activity (required).
Description -- Enter a description of the robot.
URL -- Enter the URL to be executed by the robot (required).
To insert a variable into the URL, click Variable to view a list of defined variables. Select a variable to insert at the cursor.
The following is an example of a URL with variables inserted:
To close the window, click Variable a second time.
To specify a string variable into which the HTTP response content is placed, select the variable from the Output Variable drop-down list.
The variables must be defined in the parent process.
Error Handling Policies Tab
On the Error Handling Policies tab, specify the results of an error message in response to the failure of a robot to execute the URL. You can select either of the following:
Abort on error response code (default)
If you select this option, the robot emits a Complete event when the robot is successful and an Abort event when it fails.
Emit event on selected error response code
If you select Emit event on selected error response code, you can select any number of the possible error responses.
Abort on Error Response Code
If you select Abort on error response code, the robot emits a Complete event if the robot is successful or an Abort event if it fails.
You then set up routing with the following possible results:
If a Complete event is emitted, the next node is fired to continue or complete the process.
If an Other Error event is emitted, a Notification robot is fired, causing an email message to be sent to inform the Creator actor.
Emit Event on Selected Error Response Code
If you select Emit event on selected error response code, and then you select Gateway Timeout, the robot emits one of the following events:
An OK event if the URL is executed
A Gateway Timeout event the URL is not executed in the allotted time
An Other Error event if the URL is not executed for any other reason
You can set up routing with the following possible results:
If a Complete event is emitted, the next node is fired to continue or complete the process.
If a Gateway Timeout event is emitted, a Timer robot is fired to delay for five minutes before looping back to try again.
If an Other Error event is emitted, a Notification robot is fired, causing an email message to be sent to inform the Creator actor.
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