Zipping a Package for Delivery
The Zip Package for Delivery action creates the ZIP file or files of the package contents for the delivery. The action is available from the deliveries table, the right-click action menu for a delivery, or from a delivery information page after the package is locked. Once the ZIP file or files are created, the delivery contents displays the objects included in and excluded from the ZIP file created for the delivery.
Depending on the configuration of your site and the type of package, the following options might be available when you create a ZIP file:
Format Options: Specify if the delivery can be exported only or imported into another system. For more information, see Format Options.
Delivery Options: Specify if either the delivery includes all package content or the portions of the package contents that are new or changed since a previous delivery. For more information, see Delivery Options.
Manifest Options: Specify what type of manifest you want to include. For more information, see Manifest Options.
Security Options: Specify the recipient-based security options used to construct the ZIP file.
Downgrade releases: Lists the releases for which you can create downgraded deliveries. For more information, see Downgraded Releases.
Enable Fault Tolerance: Makes a base or incremental delivery of a replication package fault tolerant. For more information, see Enable Fault Tolerance.
You can select the Cancel Zip Package for Delivery at any time during the ZIP file creation. When a package contains one or more CAD documents, the process to define the ZIP file or files may involve a file synchronization step. For more information, see Packages and CAD File Synchronization.
After the ZIP file or files are created, you can access it using the link available in the Attachments table on the delivery information page. A glyph appears on the delivery information page indicating that the package is locked and zipped.
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