Locking a Package
When a package version is locked, the package content can no longer be changed. Although included objects can continue to evolve outside the package, a locked package always references the object versions specified in the package at the time the package was locked. The list of objects in a locked package cannot be replaced with different objects or updated with more recent versions of the same objects.
You must lock a package to create a ZIP file. Each ZIP file is created specifically for a recipient so access control and other security considerations can be applied. A package must also be locked to make subsequent updates to a new revision or iteration of the package or replication package.
Depending on your permissions, the Unlock action might be available for a locked package. For more information, see Unlocking a Package.
Depending on the configuration of your site, the Select Files action may also be available for a locked package.
Packages, technical data packages, CDRL packages, or SDRL packages can be routed regardless of being locked. It is a best practice to consider the lock status of your package when selecting the workflow routing. If, for example, you are routing the package so others can add content, it must be unlocked. However, if you are routing the package so that others can review the package content, it is best to lock the package before you route it. This ensures that the package content remains unchanged during the routing and review process. The Route action is not available for replication packages.
You can lock a package from the following locations:
The Package Content table
The right-click actions menu for a package
Once the package has been locked, certain actions to modify package content are no longer available. For more information about locking the package, see . For more information about package actions, see Package and Technical Data Package Information Page.
Locking a Package, Technical Data Package, CDRL Package, or SDRL Package
When locking a package, technical data package, CDRL package, or SDRL package, it is possible to choose file extensions on which to filter your package collections when creating a ZIP file. Selecting file extensions applies to all ZIP files for the package version. This helps you protect your company's intellectual property by excluding information such as models in native formats. You can limit the exported content to include only the necessary content. When you create a ZIP file, limiting the file extensions allows you to keep the ZIP file small so it can be created quickly and transmitted easily.
The Lock Package window gives you three options for managing package extensions:
Include all extensions: Include all of the available extensions in your package collection.
Include only the following selected extensions: Use the Add or Add All button to move extensions from the Available Extensions list to the Selected Extensions list. The extensions you added are the only ones included in this package.
Exclude only the following selected extensions: Use the Add or Add All button to move extensions from the Available Extensions list to the Selected Extensions list. The extensions you added are the only ones excluded from this package.
Excluding a file extension does not remove objects from the package, it only limits files from inclusion in the ZIP file.
You can use the Remove or Remove All button at any time during this process to remove file types you have added to the Selected Extensions. Once you have included or excluded the desired extensions, click OK. The package content is refreshed to include only the extensions you have selected.
Click OK to lock the package.
Locking a Replication Package
Locking a replication package limits the ability to change the objects included in the package, but does not provide any filtering for the file information. Selecting the Lock action for a replication package applies the lock without any further user interaction.
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