Downgrade Releases
The Downgrade releases option appears only when:
1. The downgraded deliveries feature is enabled in your Windchill installation.
2. You are creating a ZIP delivery for a replication package.
The Downgrade releases option provides you the flexibility to select the releases for which you wish to create the downgraded deliveries. The downgraded ZIP files are available as attachments to the corresponding downgraded deliveries in the Deliveries table. The number of downgraded deliveries created depends on the number of releases that you selected.
You can opt not to select any release. In such a case, no downgraded delivery is created.
For incremental deliveries, the Downgrade releases is pre-selected from the base delivery.
PVS Downgrade Property
The Viewable Compression Utility must be installed using PSI installer to downgrade the PVS file.
To downgrade the content of the mentioned release, WVS.fbr.downgrade.release.<Release> property can be used. If there are two downgrade releases such as 11.0 M030 and 11.1 M020, WVS property file will have two entries as follows:
Property default="1300" name="WVS.fbr.downgrade.release.11.0.M030"
Property default="1300" name="WVS.fbr.downgrade.release.11.1.M020"
If the property is not mentioned in the file, then the source PVS file supported in Windchill will be generated in the downgrade package. Each downgrade release will have its own independent entry in file.
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