Revising a Package
A locked package can be revised so that you can send a new version to recipients. New revisions of packages, technical data packages, CDRL packages, or SDRL packages are commonly created for two reasons: a one-time package exchange where the recipient must accept or reject a delivery or a recurring package where the recipient never accepts or rejects the delivery. Creating a new revision is also one step in the business process for a scenario where there are multiple deliveries of a package where a participant must accept or reject the delivery. For more information, see Adding Successors. A new revision might be required because information has changed and an updated delivery is required, or because the recipient rejected the delivery and the package must be revised with the amended information.
New revisions of replication packages are commonly created to mark significant events based on time. A new revision could also represent events such as changing the included products or libraries or sending a full delivery rather than an incremental delivery.
The Revise action allows you to make changes to a package and then redeliver the revised package. All package attributes, initially selected objects, and collection options are copied to the new revision.
The Revise action is only available for the latest version of a locked package.
1. Select Revise from:
The right-click actions menu for a package
The Actions menu on the package information page
2. In the Revise window, enter a short description of the package revision in the Description field.
3. Choose one of the following revision options:
Refresh content after copy: Refresh the content of this package after it has been copied to the new package revision.
Copy delivery information: Copy the delivery information and attributes from this package into the new package revision.
The downgraded deliveries, if created, are not copied.
4. Click OK.
A new package revision is created. Once the new revision is created, the previous revision cannot be unlocked. You can view the different package revisions in the Version History table, accessed from Customize > History > Version History on the package information page.
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