Note Template Information Page
A note template provides a starting point for creating a note from standardized text that can be associated to parts. Note templates can be modified and attachments can be associated to communicate important information about a part.
The note template information page is a collection point for information related to the note, and is accessed by clicking View Information in the right-click actions menu for the note template on the Templates table.
From the information page, you can perform actions on a note template, as well as view the object attributes and any related information.
For an overview of information page functionality, see About Information Pages and Customizing Your Information Page Tabs .
Information pages contain a list of applicable actions in a menu in the upper left corner of the page. See Actions for a list of common actions available in Windchill. The availability of these actions depends on the status of the note template, as well as your access to it. For more information about status indicators, see Status Indicators .
The following actions may be of particular interest for this object.
Edit Association
Allows you to edit the association between the note template and any associated parts. For more information, see Editing the Association of CAD Documents and Parts
Allows you to make the template available for use. When selected, the note template is enabled for use.
This action is only available if the template is disabled.
Allows you to make the template unavailable for use.
This action is only available if the template is enabled.
The following tabs are viewable on the note template information page. You can customize the tabs that appear on each object information page to display the information most useful to you. For more information, see Customizing Information Page Tabs
Administrators may have modified the tabs that are viewable to you.
Displays the following attributes for the note template:
Object attributes that are commonly available in Windchill.
A complete view of the note template content, found in the Note Text field.
If available, a thumbnail image of the note.
Displays any supplemental information added to the note.
The following tables may appear on the Content tab:
View and edit additional files, links, or external storage information attached to the note.
Displays information about the history of the note object, such as when the note has been modified.
The following tables may appear on the History tab:
A visual representation of actions taken on the note template, including renaming, moving, or setting a new state.
Version History
Lists previous versions of the note template. A new version of a note template is created each time it is modified, revised, or produces a one-off version.
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