Note Information Page
A note allows you to document additional information for a part, providing a simple method to communicate between design and production. For more information, see Notes.
The note information page is a collection point for information related to the note. Click the information icon next to a note when it appears in a table.
From the information page, you can perform actions on a note, as well as view its attributes and any related information. For an overview of information page functionality, see About Information Pages and Customizing Information Page Tabs.
Information pages contain a list of applicable actions in the Actions menu, which is found on the left side of the page next to the object name.
The note information page includes several actions that are frequently available from the Actions menu. For more information on those actions, see Common Actions.
The availability of these actions depends on the status of the object as well as your access to it. Not all actions display for every user. Permissions, roles, and teams all affect action display. For more information, see Object Status and Understanding Data Accessibility.
Tabs and Tables
You can customize the tabs that appear on each object information page to display the information most useful to you.
When you create a new tab , the Customize menu appears, allowing you to view any additional information tables that might not appear on the default tabs. For more information, see Customizing Information Page Tabs.
Administrators might have modified the default tabs that are viewable to you. Additional tabs might appear depending on the solutions deployed at your site.
Displays the attributes associated with the note, as well as a complete view of the note content. For a list of attributes commonly available in Windchill, see Object Attributes.
Displays any supplemental information added to the note.
From here you can view and edit additional files, links, or external storage information attached to the note.
Displays any representations that have been published that include the note, as well as any annotations added in the Product Structure Browser. For more information, see Visualization and Thumbnail Overview.
Related Objects
Displays any parts or part structures to which the note has been added.
Related Parts
Parts to which the note has been associated. A note is directly related to a part when it is added from the information page of that part.
Related BoMs
Any assemblies or part structures to which the note has been associated.
A note is related to a bill of materials (BOM) if it is added to a child part when viewing a part structure. For more information, see Viewing the Notes for a BOM.
The Assembly Name and Assembly Number fields identify the assembly or part structure from which the BOM is generated. The Child Name and Child Number fields identify the lower-level part within the part structure to which the note has been added.
Displays information about existing change objects related to the note in the Associated Changes table.
Displays information about the history of the note object, such as when the note has been modified.
A visual representation of actions taken on the note, including renaming, moving, or setting a new state.
Version History
Lists previous versions of the note. A new version of a note is created each time it is modified, revised, or produces a one-off version. For more information, see Note Information Page.
For more information, click the help icon available in each table.
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