Meetings Tables
You can view, create, and manage meetings from either the Meetings table or the My Meetings table.
Actions and information available for a meeting might vary depending on the table in which it is created and your user access.
My Meetings
From your Home page, select Customize > Meetings.
Associate new meetings to your organization context.
Display all meetings created by you.
Display all meetings created by others that you are scheduled to attend.
From the Navigator, select either Projects > Meetings or Programs > Meetings.
Associate new meetings to a specific project or program.
Only displays meetings associated with a specific project or program.
Displays meetings to which you might not be scheduled to attend.
A Meetings table also appears on some object information pages. This table lists any meetings associated with that object, but cannot be used to perform most actions for a meeting.
For an overview of information table functionality, see Using Tables.
Most actions can only be performed by the creator of the meeting. The actions available to you might vary depending on user access and the table location.
The following actions are available from the Meetings and My Meetings table toolbars:
The following actions are available from the right-click actions menu of a meeting in the Meetings and My Meetings tables:
Enter the meeting minutes.
Edit the meeting details.
List Action Items
Navigate to the Action Items table.
Here you can manage or create action items associated with the meeting. For more information, see About Action Items.
This action is only available for meetings created in the Meetings table.
Begin a meeting as its host.
This action is only available for web-based meetings, and only the meeting creator can host a meeting.
Join a meeting.
This action is only available for web-based meetings, and the meeting must be in-progress for you to join.
Open the notebook associated with the meeting.
Here you can upload files and create links to organize information related to a meeting. For more information, see About the Notebook.
Edit Access Control
Open the Access table for this meeting.
Here you can manage the accessibility of the information and actions associated with a meeting. For more information, see About Security Management.
Edit Security Labels
View and change the security label values currently set on the meeting. For more information, see Viewing and Setting Security Labels on Existing Objects.
Set the status of the meeting.
This action is a drop-down menu located in the rows of the Meetings table.
You can export the Meetings table to a file that can be accessed offline in programs such as Microsoft Excel. The file can be exported in PDF, XLS, or XLSX format.
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