Meetings are available only to Windchill ProjectLink users.
Meetings allow you to collaborate using Windchill functionality:
Schedule meetings with Windchill team members.
Associate Windchill objects with a meeting.
Generate meeting reports and associate documents with a meeting.
Create and associate action items with a meeting.
Receive an automated email notification when a meeting is scheduled, edited, or canceled.
Two types of Windchill meetings are available:
A standard meeting is held in-person at a set location or through a teleconference.
A web-based meeting is conducted online using WebEx. For more information on WebEx, visit their website at
If you have Windchill Desktop Integration installed, you can also set up meetings in Windchill using Microsoft Outlook. For more information, see Scheduling a Meeting.
Windchill Meeting Creation and Participation
Several actions are only available to meeting creators.
Users added as meeting participants cannot decline a meeting invitation:
If you want to be removed from a meeting, you must contact the meeting creator.
If you are included as a member of a group or organization, the entire group or organization must be removed from the participant list.
Alternatively, you can remove yourself from the participating group or organization.
Participants can only view meeting objects if they have the appropriate access. For more information, see Understanding Data Accessibility.
Windchill Meetings Administration
For administrators who are configuring their site to use meetings, see the following topics for additional information:
If you plan on using web-based meetings, see Setting Up Meetings for instructions on configuring the WebEx meeting center for your site.
If your site has security labels enabled, see Security Labels and Meetings for additional information about how meetings work with security labels.
If your site has Windchill Business Reporting installed, you can generate and customize minutes and agenda reports for meetings. See the following topics for more information:
If the installed meetings reports do not meet your needs, you should not edit the default reports. Instead, an administrator can create a new report using the existing report as a model. In the Preference Management utility, set the Meeting > Agenda Report Name or Minutes Report Name preference to the new report name.
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