About Context Teams
A context team is a list of the members of an application context. By default, all members of the context can view the team.
Team members are assigned roles within the context. Initially, a team always has the following roles (but can have additional roles):
Members -- Use this role to allow users general access to all actions in the context.
Guest -- Use this role to limit users to the ability to view but not change anything in the context.
Collaboration Manager — Use this role to provide users with access rights needed for sharing objects across application contexts and managing ad hoc access control rights using the Edit Access Control action.
By default, users in this role have the Change Permissions rights granted for all shareable object types. With this permission, users can
complete a sharing action, such as Add to Project, for objects on which they have the additional required permissions.
For example, to perform an Add to Project/PDM Check-out action on a document with content stored in Windchill, a user must have Read, Download, Change Permissions, and Modify permissions on the source object, Read permission on the source context, Read and Modify permissions on the target folder, and Create permissions on the project-specific version of the object.
change ad hoc access control permissions on an object to grant other users their same permissions or a subset of their permissions, if the Access Permission Configuration (PDM) security preference is configured to allow permissions to be modified.
For example, if a Collaboration Manager has Full Control (All) permission on a document, he or she can grant another user up to Full Control (All) permission on the document.
Users are not added to this role automatically except optionally during a Windchill upgrade. A user needs to be added to this role or must have the appropriate permissions to perform the sharing actions. For more information on adding users to roles, see Creating and Editing a Team Template.
A user does not need to be a Collaboration Manager to share objects or modify ad hoc access control permissions. Any user with the appropriate permissions can perform these actions.
A context manager role -- The context manager roles available are as follows:
Project context -- Project Manager
Program context -- Program Manager
Product context -- Product Manager
Library context -- Library Manager
Use the context manager role for users who have the responsibility of managing the context. This includes managing the team and all the data in the context.
The context manager role is automatically assigned to the creator of the context; however, the creator can assign the role to other team members. No other users are automatically added to roles in the team.
Other than the context manager, Members, Guest, and Collaboration Manager roles, there are no explicit means of associating responsibilities with roles; however, you can create a document in the application context that identifies the responsibilities of each of the team roles or members. If your company is using workflow or change processes to direct user activities, you may want to look at the roles used in these processes to determine which roles you want to include in your context teams. For more information about roles and groups, see Roles and Groups. For information about workflow or change processes, see Workflow Template Administration and About Change Management respectively.
You can create placeholders for members that are needed but unknown at the time the context is created. For example, if you have a role called Designers and you know that you need three designers but have identified only one at the time a project is created, you can define placeholders using fictitious email addresses to represent the unknown designers. As soon as resources are identified for these members, you can replace the placeholder user with the actual user.
A pending team member’s email address displays in the Roles/Members column of the Members table if the user is added to a team using the Email Invitation field of the Find Participant window and is not registered as a Windchill user.
Synchronizing teams with user-defined groups is done automatically except when new members have been added to or removed from a user-defined group by updating the group in your directory service using a third-party LDAP tool (not Windchill). For more information, see Synchronizing Teams with User-Defined Groups.
If the context team defined includes a shared team, then the roles and members defined in the shared team become roles and members in the context team. See About Shared Teams.
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