Create a Life Cycle Template
In many cases, it might be easier to use an existing template to create a new life cycle template.
You can use the Save As action available from the Life Cycle Template Administration utility to create a copy of an existing template. Once created, you can then use the life cycle template editor to modify the template properties.
1. Navigate to the Life Cycle Template Administration utility under the context in which you want to create the life cycle template.
2. From the table toolbar, click the new template icon .
3. Complete the following fields:
Available for Routing
Select this option to include the life cycle in the Route action that is available for packages and from Windchill ProjectLink contexts.
This option is only available if Advanced is selected in the Type field.
Routable life cycles must be associated with a workflow. For more information, see Phase Workflow.
If selected, the life cycle is available for use. A disabled template cannot be assigned to a life cycle-managed object.
Clear the Enabled checkbox if you want to delete the life cycle in the future. Life cycles that are assigned to an object cannot be deleted. A life cycle that is not enabled cannot be selected when an object is created or reassigned.
Basic life cycles include a life cycle template, phases, gates, and transitions. Advanced life cycles also define access permissions, and can be mapped to team roles and workflow processes. For more information, see Basic and Advanced Life Cycles.
The life cycle name.
Life cycle names must be unique per context. If you enter a name already in use, an error message appears.
A brief description of the life cycle.
Select the object class to which this life cycle applies.
Windchill classes are hierarchical. Therefore, the life cycle applies to the selected class and all of its subclasses. Because you can also directly associate a life cycle with a given subclass, a class can inherit more than one life cycle.
4. From the life cycle toolbar, click the new phase icon .
An undefined phase icon appears in the phase diagram area, and a set of tabs appears with the phase properties. The tabs that are editable depend on whether the life cycle is basic or advanced. For information about completing the phase properties, see the following topics:
5. Continue adding phases until the life cycle is complete. Click Save or Save & Close.
New life cycles are not available to use until checked in. Use the actions available from the Life Cycle Templates table to check in the template.
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