Sharing Filters
The sharing filter determines when an object shared to a project is considered outdated or a sync exception:
Sync exception
The sync exception indicator appears next to shared objects that are excluded from filter criteria. For example, if you are using a baseline configuration specification filter and share an object that is not included in the baseline.
Sync exception objects are not eligible for the Update Project operation. You can remove the share, convert to a PDM checkout, or modify the filter criteria to include these objects.
Out of sync share
The out of sync indicator appears next to shared objects that are included in filter criteria but have been modified in the source context. For example, if you are using the default Latest configuration and modify a part, then the shared part is considered out of sync.
Use the Update Project action to update out of sync objects.
Status indicators appear in the Project Status table.
If a sharing filter is applied in a project, information about the filter is available from the attributes listed on the project Details page. Click the filter name in the Sharing Filter field to open a new window to view details about the filter.
Sharing Filter Rules
All Filters
Only shared filters appear in the Sharing Filter drop-down menu when creating and editing a project. You can share a filter using the Manage Filters action.
The filter must be created from a part structure browser.
If you do not specify a filter when creating or editing a project, the Latest configuration specification is used. This means that when the object is updated in PDM, it is considered out of sync and you should update the project. (This is the legacy behavior.)
Filters with Latest
By default, the filter is set to the basic Latest configuration specification. This simply means that whenever the object is updated in PDM, it is considered out of sync and you should update the project.
However, this behavior applies differently to objects that are recorded in the project baseline (such as parts and CAD documents) and to those that are not (such as documents). For a complete list of objects that are recorded in the project baseline, see Valid Object Types.
Filters without Latest
You are not required to include the Latest configuration specification in your sharing filter criteria. However, you should keep the following factors in mind:
If the filter does not include the Latest specification, then it is possible for an object to be modified in PDM but not appear as out of sync.
The Update Project action only updates out-of-sync objects. This means that if the sharing filter does not include the Latest specification, then the update action might not return the most recent PDM version.
To perform a Convert to PDM Checkout operation, an object must be the latest iteration. In this case, you must use the Update Selected Shares action and edit the filter criteria.
Creating a Sharing Filter
Use the following steps when creating and applying a sharing filter:
1. Create or edit a configuration specification filter for a part structure.
You create part structure filters under the Structure tab on a part information page. For more information, see the following topics:
2. Share the filter.
Select Saved Filters > Manage Filters from the Filter actions set on a part structure. Ensure the checkbox is selected under the Share column next to the filter.
3. Apply the filter to a project.
From the Create Project or Edit Project window, select a filter from the Sharing Filter menu.
Leave this field blank to apply the default filter. The default filter applies a Latest configuration specification.
For more information, see Editing a Project or Program.
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