Managing Saved Structure Filters
The Manage Filters option under the Saved Filters menu in the structure toolbar allows you to do the following:
select a default filter
choose which filters display in your Saved Filters list
choose which filters to share with other users
edit, save as, and delete filters
To navigate to the Manage Filters window, use the following steps:
1. Click the Saved Filters icon in the Structure toolbar on a part information page.
2. Select Manage Filters from the drop-down menu. The Manage Filters window is displayed showing all the saved filters.
3. Right-click a filter row. An actions list displays the following filter options.
Set as Default
Define a saved filter as the default filter. The system uses this default saved filter when establishing an in-session configuration specification for a variant specification, part structure browser, and Matrix Editor. If you have not specified a default saved filter, the system initializes the in-session configuration specification to the system-default configuration specification settings.
You cannot clear the Show check box for the selected filter if the filter is set as default.
Reset to System Default
Clear the selected saved filter that you have set as default.
Modify the filter.
See the filter in your Saved Filters drop-down list.
Allow others to see and use the filter.
Save As
Create a new filter using the filter as a starting point.
Remove the filter from the Filters table.
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