Specifying an Export Time Filter
You can filter the objects that you added for export according to a time period you specify. Only objects that were created or modified during that time period are included in the export data.
To specify a filter:
1. In the Filters section of the Export window, click the add icon .
The Add Filters window opens.
2. Select Filter based on modification time and then click OK.
The Date Modified window appears. (The Add Filters window exists to permit PTC product development in the future and currently has only one selection available.)
3. In the Date Modified window, select one of the following:
Time Range—Specify a specific date and time period that does not extend to the present. To specify beginning and ending values for a Time Range period click inside the date or time fields. This displays a calendar widget from which you can select a date. Manually type the required time in the time field following the format hours:minutes:seconds. (00 hours represents midnight.)
Time—Specify a range of previous hours, days, or months. For example, if you specify 8 hours, any objects created between 8 hours ago and the present are included. To specify a beginning value, type a number (the limit is 1000) in the field and choose one of the following from the menu:
Hours before current time
Days before current time
Months before current time
4. Click OK.
Your selection appears in the Export window.
Click the Current Filter icon to view the filters that are presently in use. Click the Reset Filter icon to reset the filters that were added in the Objects for Export window.
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