Export is available to site, organization, product, and library administrators. To export an object, you must have read access to the object and all its attributes. The export process allows searching within the context for objects to export, returning objects created within the context. When you browse for objects, the system navigates to related objects in any context to which you have read access. In addition to exporting individual objects, you can export folders and their contents.
The Export window allows you to export data. During the export process, you can modify data by applying mapping rules, which are used to modify the content of the XML file being exported. In addition, you can control what happens with the objects being exported using export policies or actions selected in the Export window. These policies or actions can modify the database content during the export process.
You can also export objects from the object's information page. For details, see Exporting an Object from the Information Page.
To open the Export window, select Utilities > Import/Export Management, available from Products , Libraries , Organizations , or Site . Then, click Export. The Export window opens, displaying your current context at the top of the window.
To export data:
1. (Optional) In the Export rule file field, specify a mapping rule file in the local file system to control the export process.
2. (Optional) Specify export policies by selecting Policy file and specifying the location of the export policy file.
Export actions in the file are combined with the export settings found in the system registry files, which are located in: <Windchill>/codebase/registry/ixb/export_settings/defaultExportPolicy.xsl.
3. (Optional) Select Export action and choose an action to be applied to all objects in the export file:
System default—Actions specified in the system registry are applied.
Check out—As database objects are exported, they are checked out to you.
4. (Optional) Select the Export top level objects in jar of jars checkbox to export the top-level objects in a JAR file that consists of separate JAR files.
When this type of JAR file is imported into a Windchill system, each individual JAR file is imported in a separate transaction. Failure in the import of one JAR file does not affect the import of the other top-level object JAR files.
5. In the Objects for Export section of the window, click the add icon to select data for export. You can remove objects from the list by selecting them and clicking the remove icon . Remove multiple entries by pressing SHIFT or CTRL while clicking on the desired objects and then click the remove icon .
If you opened the Export window from an object information page, then the Objects field is pre-filled and you cannot add additional objects for export. Remove is also not available.
6. (Optional) To select a configuration specification for the exported objects, click the edit filter icon . This opens the Edit Filter window with a Configuration Specification tab. For more information about the Configuration Specification tab and the specifications you can select, see About Configuration Specifications.
7. (Optional) In the Filters section of the window, click add icon to specify a time period that defines the objects for export.
8. (Optional) Select the Generate detailed status log checkbox to increase the level of detail shown in the status log.
9. (Optional) Click Preview.
If the Generate detailed status log checkbox is not selected, the log shows how many objects will be exported and how many XML files will be processed. If the Generate detailed status log checkbox is selected, the log also shows which files will be exported.
10. Click Export. Depending on your browser settings, you might see a window prompt to save the file. From that window prompt you can choose to Open the file, Save the file with the default name in your browser default download location, or click Save As to choose a different name or save location.
Messages in the Export Status Log section of the window display progress or problems that you can resolve. For information that can help you resolve conflicts, see Import and Export Policies, Mapping Rules, and Conflict Messages.
When exporting large sets of data in the HTML Export window, the Export status log field may display a web link instead of the complete log. Clicking on the link allows you to download the complete log for your current export job from the Windchill server.
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