Completing the Date Modified Window
The Date modified window (which you access during the process of specifying an export time filter) allows you to specify a time period that determines the set of objects included in your exporting. Only items that were created or modified during the period you specify are included in the export data.
You can specify two types of time periods: one ending before the current time and one ending at the current time.
To specify a period:
1. Click Time Range for a period ending in the past or Time for a period ending now.
2. Specify the time period by the appropriate method:
For Time range, specify a specific date and time period that does not extend to the present. To specify beginning and ending values for a Time Range period click inside the date or time fields. This displays a calendar widget from which you can select a date. Manually type the required time in the time field following the format hours:minutes:seconds. (00 hours represents midnight.)
For Time, select a time unit in the menu and type a number (the limit is 1000) in the field.
The number you enter must be a positive integer no greater than 1000.
3. Click OK.
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