Fundamentals > Personalizing Your Environment > Table and Table View Overview
Table and Table View Overview
Throughout Windchill, information about the product data that you are working with is presented in tables. Objects are listed in rows with information about those objects reflected in columns.
The number, content, and order of the rows and columns can strongly help or hinder your ability to work with large data sets. For example, when viewing the Tasks table, you may want to see only those tasks that are open, or you may want to see only those tasks that are closed. When viewing the Checked-Out Work table, you may want to limit your view to only documents or only parts. To accommodate varying display needs, the system provides a set of views for each informational table. These views area available from the view drop-down list that appears next to the table name.
Each table displays objects using a default view. You can select a different view to limit which objects you see.
You can make minor modifications to the table and save the view.
You can also tailor views by selecting which objects and columns to display in the table and determining their order. For more information, see Creating and Editing New Table Views.
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