Editing Attachments
When you edit attachments, you can perform the following actions:
Create new attachments
Remove attachments
Edit attachment attributes, such as replacing file content or providing a new URL address
When you edit an attachment, you must check out the object to which the content is attached. If you are modifying the contents of an attached file, see Downloading Attached File Content for more information.
You can edit an attachment using the Attachments table located under the Set Attachments step.
Navigate to the Attachments table on an object information page and click the edit attachments icon .
Create or edit an object that allows attachments (for example, a document, change object, or note).
Your ability to edit an attachment depends on the status of the primary object, as well as your access to it. Not all actions display for every user. Permissions, roles, and teams all affect action availability. For more information, see Object Status and Accessing Data.
1. Under the Set Attachments step, the Attachments table lists any existing attachments.
Edit the attributes of an attachment using the following fields:
Local File
URL/External Location
Click Browse and navigate to a new file to replace the existing attachment.
Drag and drop one or more files to upload them as attachments:
a. Open a folder browser or resize the Windchill windows so that you can view your desktop. Select the files you want to upload as attachments.
b. Click and drag the files to the Windchill action window and then release.
To replace a specific file, drop the new file directly over the existing file. For more information, see Drag-and-Drop File Uploads.
To select multiple files, press CTRL as you select files. To select a contiguous block of files, select the first file and press SHIFT when selecting the last file.
Label or File Name
The name of the file.
Depending on your individual preferences, this field might be automatically populated and cannot be edited.
Attachment Description
A description of the file.
URL/External Location
The URL, or web address, that links to the desired location.
The address does not need to include Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
Label or File Name
The name of the URL link.
Attachment Description
A description of the URL link.
Externally Stored Content
URL/External Location
The location of the content. This can include directions, a lot number, or information about a storage facility.
The location does not appear in the Attachments table, but is instead only visible in the attributes listed on the information page of the attachment.
Label or File Name
The name of the attachment.
Attachment Description
A description of the content.
2. To add new attachments, see Creating Attachments.
To remove attachments, see Removing an Attachment.
3. Click Check In to apply your changes.
Click Save to apply your changes and keep the object checked out to you.
The visibility of Save depends on the Save Button Display on Edit Window preference setting. This preference can be found under the Create and Edit preference category. For more information, see Preference Management.
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