Creating Attachments
You can add attachments using the Attachments table under the Set Attachments step.
To access the Set Attachments step:
Navigate to the Attachments table on an object information page and click the edit attachments icon .
Create or edit an object that allows attachments (for example, a document, change object, or note).
Your ability to add an attachment depends on the status of the primary object, as well as your access to it. Not all actions display for every user. Permissions, roles, and teams all affect action availability. For more information, see Object Status and Accessing Data.
For more information about attachment types, see Attachments.
1. Create attachments using the following icons on the Attachments table toolbar:
Upload a local file attachment
Click Browse to select a file on your local machine, or drag and drop one or more files to upload them as attachments:
a. Open a folder browser or resize the Windchill windows so that you can view your desktop. Select the files you want to upload as attachments.
To select multiple files, press CTRL as you select files. To select a contiguous block of files, select the first file and press SHIFT when selecting the last file.
b. Click and drag the files to the Windchill action window and then release. To replace a file, drop the new file directly over the existing file.
For more information, see About Drag-and-Drop.
Create a link to an external website
A row is added to the Attachments table with the following fields:
URL/External Location—The full URL of the website to which you are linking.
Name—A unique name to identify the link.
The address does not need to include Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
Attach externally stored content
A row is added to the Attachments table with the following fields:
URL/External Location—Depending on the content, use this field to provide a description of an object, an address, a file cabinet number, and so on.
For example, the file cabinet number of the secure files you want to reference, or the location of a storage facility. Enter up to 2000 characters.
The location does not appear in the Attachments table, but is instead only viewable in the attributes listed on the information page of the attachment.
Name—A unique name to identify the content.
2. Enter a brief description of the file content in the Attachment Description field. This field is optional. Enter up to 2000 characters.
3. Click Check In if you are editing an object and have completed your changes.
Depending on the object type and your user preferences, a Finish or Save action is enabled. Click one of these actions if you have completed your changes, but want the object to remain checked out to you.
The visibility of the Save action depends on the Save Button Display on Edit Window preference setting. This preference can be found under the Create and Edit preference category. For more information, see Preference Management.
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