Modifying Security Labels
You can modify the security labels using the Security Labels organizer. However, ensure that the organizer page is displayed in the edit mode. If not, select Edit from the Actions menu of the organizer.
Changing the display name and description of a security label
To modify and localize the display name and description of a security label, use the following procedure:
1. Navigate to Site > Utilities > Security Label Administration.
The information page of the Security Labels organizer opens.
2. In the Entries tab of the Security Labels organizer, click the View and Edit Entry Properties action for the security label that you want to update.
3. In the View and Edit Entry Properties dialog box, click the Localize action to update the value and description for the security label. For more information, see Localizing Property Values.
After the update, the View and Edit Entry Properties dialog box displays the new value and description.
4. Click OK to close the dialog box.
The updated value is displayed in the Available for selection list.
5. Click Done to save the changes and return to view mode. Click Save to save the changes, and update additional security labels.
Deleting a security label
Before deleting a security label from the Security Labels organizer, ensure that you remove the entry of this security label from your security labels configuration file. For information on the configuration file, see Add Configurations to the Security Labels Configuration File.
To delete a security label, perform the following procedure.
1. In the Security Labels organizer page, select one or more entries from the Available for selection list and click the Delete Entry action.
2. Click Yes to confirm the delete action.
The entry is removed from the Available for selection list.
3. Click Done to save the changes and return to view mode. Click Save to save the changes, but remain in edit mode.
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