Step 1. Define Security Labels - Required
To define your security labels and specify their display names and descriptions, perform the following steps:
1. Navigate to > > .
The information page of the Security Labels organizer opens.
2. From the Actions menu, select Edit.
3. Click the Create a new entry icon on the Available for selection list.
The New Entry window opens.
4. Enter the following properties:
◦ Key—The internal name of the security label. This value must be unique. This is a required field.
◦ Value—The display name of the security label, as it should appear in the user interface. This is a required field.
◦ Description—Any useful information about the security label.
5. Click OK to create the new security label, and return to the information page of the Security Labels organizer. Alternatively, click Apply to create the new security label, and refresh the New Entry window to create another label.
The new security label is added to the Available for selection list.
6. Click Done to save the changes and return to view mode. Click Save to save the changes, and add more security labels.