Specialized Administration > Ensuring Data Security > Security Labels and Agreements > Configuring Security Labels > Security Label Configuration Steps > Step 3. Add Configurations to the Security Labels Configuration File - Required
Step 3. Add Configurations to the Security Labels Configuration File - Required
A security labels configuration file is provided out-of-the-box in the following location:
where <Windchill> is the installed location of your Windchill solution.
When using the OOTB configuration file, copy the file to the following location and modify it:
where<customizationRootDirectory> isthe root folder for your customizations and configurations.
If you plan to use a custom configuration file, create the file and save it in this location:
It is recommended to create a custom folder under conf to place your custom configuration files.
Also, set the following property in the <customizationRootDirectory>/configurations/xconf/custom.site.xconf file to specify the custom file location as shown in the example below:
<Property name="wt.access.configuration.securityLabelsConfigurationFile" value=“$(wt.home)/conf/custom/<custom file name>” targetFile="codebase/wt.properties"/>
A sample configuration file, named securityLabelsConfiguration_sample.xml, is located in the same directory as the out-of-the-box configuration file. This sample configuration file contains sample data and detailed comments about the configuration file components. While the sample configuration file includes sample data similar to the example configuration used in this guide, actual values from your system are required to successfully configure security labels.
The content of the securityLabelsConfiguration.xml file consists of a single, complex XML element named SecurityLabelsConfiguration.
When you initially open the securityLabelsConfiguration.xml file, you see the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE SecurityLabelsConfiguration
SYSTEM "securityLabelsConfiguration.dtd">
<SecurityLabelsConfiguration enabled="false">
To enable security labels, make the following changes within the configuration file:
If you are enabling agreements, add the AgreementConfiguration element and its subelements. For more information, see AgreementConfiguration Element.
For each standard security label, add a SecurityLabel element and its subelements. For more information, see SecurityLabel element.
Change the value of the enabled parameter on the SecurityLabelsConfiguration element from false to true:
<SecurityLabelsConfiguration enabled="true">
When you have made all of your changes, save and close the security labels configuration file.
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