PTC FlexPLM Fundamentals > Overview of PTC FlexPLM > Search > Views
Views are a way to further define the contents of the page by specifying which attributes the system displays as columns.
Views are available as system views, group views, and personal views.
Your administrator can create views that are available throughout the system.
Your administrator can create group views, which are available for all users assigned to a particular group.
PTC FlexPLM also allows you to define and use custom personal views throughout the system.
If the new table layout icon and the update table layout icon do not appear in your user interface, then you do not have permission to create or update personal views. Contact your administrator.
Certain rules govern the naming of system, group, and personal views. For more information, see Naming Views and Filters.
Creating Views
To create a view, follow these steps.
1. Click the create new table layout icon . Views can be created from any location in the system where you see this icon.
The view you create is specific to the object type for which you create it.
2. On the Create Search Results View page, do the following:
a. In the Name field, enter a name for your view.
b. Optionally, select the Default View checkbox to make the current view the default view for that object type.
c. Click Create.
3. On the Update Search Preference page, do the following:
a. In the View Attributes section, select additional items to display in the view, such as grand totals and grand counts. These sums represent the complete total and count for all items displayed.
b. In the Grouping/Sorting section, select options for grouping and sorting the items in the view.
When grouping is enabled, you can quickly expand or collapse the items in the group. Click anywhere in the group header row to expand or collapse items in the freeze pane view. Click the expand or collapse icon in the list view.
Specify up to two levels of grouping by selecting attributes from the Group By 1 and Group By 2 lists. These options allow you to sort and group the line sheet and tabular search results in a nested fashion. Items are grouped together according to the attributes specified when creating the view.
If you select a value for the Group By option from the line sheet options, this selection overrides any grouping attributes specified in the view.
To display header rows, which include the name of the group by attribute value, select the Show Header checkbox for the grouping.
To include footer counts and totals, which display the item counts and numerical totals, select the Show Totals checkbox for the grouping. If the view is grouped by attributes, the totals for each group display directly underneath the attributes.
c. In the Selectable Attributes section, select the attributes to include in your view. Only applicable attributes are available for the object type for which you are creating the view.
The Options table displays attributes and attribute types that have not been selected for the view. Under Options, highlight the attributes you want to add. Drag and drop them to the Chosen table or click the add icon , or double click the row in Options table.
The Chosen table displays attributes and attribute types that have been selected for the view. Under Chosen, highlight the attributes you want to remove. Drag and drop them to the Options table or click the remove icon , or double click on the row in Chosen table.
To sort the rows alphabetically in the Options table, click the headers for the Attribute or Attribute Type columns.
To order attributes from the Chosen table, select an item and click the move up or move down icon.
Press CTRL and click to select multiple attributes, or press SHIFT and click to select a range.
Type text in the Filters box to narrow the list of attributes in both the Options and Chosen tables. Include wildcards to find letters anywhere in theAttribute or Attribute Type columns.
If an attribute is not found in the system, then the attribute does not appear. If the attribute is found, then the attribute appears as the attribute name and type. For example, Target Price, Material).
4. In the Column Properties section, do the following:
To lock the attribute columns in the freeze pane view on the line sheet, select an attribute in the Lock Position column. Selecting an attribute locks the attribute and all attributes above it. When the line sheet is displayed, the columns for the selected attributes appear on the left. The columns remain in place and always are visible when you scroll to the right.
To unlock all columns, press CTRL and click the selected item in the Lock Position column.
To prevent the entire table from being locked, the last item in the column is not selectable.
Although this feature is visible while updating a view, locked columns only apply to the line sheet.
You can define which attributes display totals, calculations, and counts in a line sheet view so that you can view total calculations without manually performing the calculations.
Select a checkbox in the Show Counts column to display the count for the attribute in the view. For numerical attributes such as constant, currency, float, and integer attributes, the system adds up the numerical values for that attribute and displays that sum as the total. If the view is grouped by attributes, the totals for each group display directly underneath the attributes on the same row as Show Totals. This checkbox appears for all attributes.
Select a checkbox in the Show Totals column to display the item counts or numerical totals for the attribute in the view. This checkbox appears for any attribute that is a number.
Select a checkbox in the Show Calculations column to display the calculations for the attribute in the view. This checkbox only appears for certain types of attributes.
For some of the column options to appear, you must complete the Grouping/Sorting section.
If the Show Calculations checkbox is selected, you cannot select the Show Totals checkbox.
5. If you are updating a view for a line sheet, you can update filters and options in the Line Sheet Viewer Filters and Line Sheet Viewer Options sections.
If you update values of Filters or Options in line sheet, it will not appear in the view update page, those values selected on the view previously will appear.
If the values are changed under Options or Filters, those will not be updated on Line Sheet Viewerunless user updates the page of that view and select the values.
6. When you are finished selecting and ordering the attributes, click Update to save your changes.
7. Click Return to return to the season’s line sheet page.
Updating Views
To update a view, follow these steps.
1. Select the view and click the update table layout icon .
2. On the Update Search Preference page, update the information in each section as needed. For more information, see Creating Views section above..
3. When you are finished selecting and ordering the attributes, click Update to save your changes.
4. Click Return to return to the season’s line sheet page.
Sharing Views
The Share View function allows you to email the current view to an individual user, a selected list of PTC FlexPLM users, or a predefined group within your organization.
1. Select the view and click the update table layout icon .
2. On the Update Search Preference page, click Share View.
3. On the Email Client page, complete the information to send the view. For more information, see Emailing Content.