Collaborating in Vuforia Studio Using GitHub
Collaborating in Vuforia Studio Using GitHub
You can use GitHub to manage your Vuforia Studio projects and experiences as well collaborate with others. Using GitHub allows you to:
Share and collaborate on your Vuforia Studio experiences with other users
Compare changes to JavaScript and CSS
View source history and previous versions
Revert unwanted changes
Check out the following topics to get started using GitHub to collaborate on Vuforia Studio projects with multiple users.
Setting Up GitHub for Collaboration
Example Collaboration Workflow
Once you’ve got the basics down that we’ve documented here, the following GitHub Docs topics may be helpful to you as you learn to use GitHub:
Repositories documentation
Options for managing commits in GitHub Desktop
Backing up a repository
Reverting a commit in GitHub Desktop
Removing a remote repository
Before You Begin
Before beginning collaboration using GitHub, the following should be done:
All users collaborating on Vuforia Studio projects using GitHub should be on the same and most recent version of Vuforia Studio. For more information, see Update Vuforia Studio to the Latest Version.
Each user that wants to collaborate using GitHub will need to create an account if they do not already have one. For more information, see GitHub’s sign up page.
Best Practices
Best Practice
Additional Information
Use GitHub Desktop.
We recommend using GitHub Desktop when collaborating on your projects to simplify your workflow. For more information, see
Create one repository per project.
Create one repository in GitHub for each Vuforia Studio project you want to collaborate on.
Develop standard naming conventions for projects.
To allow for quick filtering of projects, develop and use a standard naming convention. For example, using a <group>_<project> format may be helpful.
Utilize the gitignore file that already exists in your project folder.
Your project directory contains a .gitignore file that you can use to specify files that you do not want to track. For example, the upgrade.log file can be added to .gitignore.
Use Git LFS to help manage binary files such as PVZ models, images, and any binary assets.
For general information on using large files in Git, see Managing large files in GitHub Docs.
Have only one user at a time actively making updates to the project or at the very least one user working on one view at a time.
To avoid overwriting work or dealing with merge issues in GitHub, we recommend that only one user at a time work on the project. Or, at the very least, we recommend that only one user at a time work on a particular view. For example, if an experience contains three different views, have one user work on View 1 and another user work on View 3 if they must work on the project at the same time.