Navigating Vuforia Studio > Projects and Experiences > 3D Eyewear Projects > Configure HoloLens 2 to Use Your Experience Service URL
Configure HoloLens 2 to Use Your Experience Service URL
You can configure your HoloLens 2 device to use your Experience Service URL using a QR code.
You can use a QR code generator of your choice to create the code.
If you’re not sure what QR code generator to use, a simple internet search gives you multiple options.
Once you’ve created the QR code, open Vuforia View on your HoloLens and say, “Hey View, set Experience Service,” and scan the code.
To clear the Experience Service URL setting on your HoloLens, say, “Hey View, clear Experience Service.”
This command only works in Scan mode, and is ignored when in an experience.