Additional Troubleshooting
Approval Workflow Troubleshooting
3D Model and Model Target Troubleshooting
My Capture File Won’t Upload
Possible Problem and Resolution
“We ran into a problem while uploading the Capture file.”
Possible issues:
The capture assets failed to upload.
Thumbnails for the capture or its assets were not created.
Network connections could have been interrupted.
In any of these cases, you can try to upload your Capture file again after a few minutes.
If it failed to upload your Capture file, there is a chance that some assets were uploaded and are available in the asset library. For example, if the upload fails at 80%, then all assets before that point may have been successfully uploaded.
When compressing a Capture folder on a Mac, additional files may be included that were not part of the original capture. For example, _MACOSX/.../..DS_Store Capture/.DS_Store. Files that begin with a period are currently not supported. To resolve this issue, remove any files that begin with a period (.).
My Assets Won’t Upload
Possible Problem and Resolution
Once in your procedure, assets such as Capture files, images, and videos fail to upload.
This is can occur for the following reasons:
Capture assets failed to upload
Thumbnails were not created for assets
Network connections could have been interrupted
In any of these cases, you can try to upload your file again after a few minutes.
If it failed to upload your Capture file, there is a chance that some assets were uploaded and are available in the asset library. For example, if the upload fails at 80%, then all assets before that point may have been successfully uploaded.
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