Work with Procedures in Vuforia Editor > Create and Edit Procedures with Vuforia Editor > Linking in Procedures
Linking in Procedures
When creating procedures, you can include URLs that link to external content or other procedures.
Links to Other Procedures
When including a link to another procedure, keep in mind that two different links are available for a procedure:
Web (Copy Vantage Web link)—use when the viewer will be consuming the procedure on a computer through Vantage Web
Mobile (Copy device playback link)—use when the viewer will be consuming the procedure on a mobile device through Vuforia Vantage
If you’re unsure where the user will be consuming the procedure, it’s a good idea to include both and specify which link is for mobile and which is for Web.
To include a link to another procedure, complete the following steps.
1. Copy the link to the procedure you want to link to. You can find the link in one of the following locations:
In Vuforia Editor, navigate to the procedure you want to link to and select the PUBLISH tab.
In the Vuforia Distribution Center, navigate to the Procedures tab, and locate the procedure you want to link to. Then, from the Actions menu, select Procedure Details.
2. Paste the copied link into a step in your procedure.
3. Once the procedure that includes the link has been published, it will be displayed as a hyperlink in the published procedure. The image below shows a device playback link in a procedure in Vuforia Vantage.
External Links
To link to external content, complete the following steps.
1. Copy the link to the external content or resource.
2. Paste the URL into one of your procedure steps.
3. Once the procedure that includes the link has been published, it will be displayed as a hyperlink in the published procedure. The image below shows an external link in a procedure in Vantage Web.
Known Limitations and Things to Keep in Mind
Formatting links is not yet supported.
(HoloLens) While links from one procedure to another procedure will be displayed and are clickable on step cards, they currently behave inconsistently and HoloLens devices may not handle procedure links properly.
When clicking on a link from one procedure to another, the previous procedure's session status is preserved and can be accessed from the RECENTS tab in Vuforia Vantage.