Capture Procedures with Vuforia Capture > Vuforia Capture for RealWear > Capture a Procedure with a RealWear Device
Capture a Procedure with a RealWear Device
For best practices when creating a capture, see Best Practices.
1. Open Vuforia Capture on your supported device.
2. Say, “New capture.” Once recording starts, begin performing the first step in your procedure.
3. Once you’ve completed the first step, say, “Next step.”
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all remaining steps in your procedure.
5. Once you’ve completed your procedure and are ready to save your capture session, say, “Finish capture.”
6. Now, you’re ready to upload your Capture file to your computer and started editing in Vuforia Editor. For more information about accessing your Capture folder and uploading it to Vuforia Editor, see Captures.
Key Controls and Commands
If You Want to...
Create a brand new capture.
“New capture”
Begin your capture session.
“Start capture”
Start a new step.
“Next step”
Take a picture within the current step.
“Take photo” or “Take picture”
Create a bookmark as a reference point in the current step.
This command is helpful when you want to call out a point in the procedure that is important.
“Place bookmark”
Access the following menu options:
Pause capture
Finish capture
Flashlight on
These options can also be activated with voice commands outside of the menu.
Pause video recording.
Once you say, “Resume,” video recording will start again, a new step started.
“Pause capture”
Finish the capture session.
“Finish capture”
“Go back”—Returns you to your capture session and starts a new step.
“Edit title”—Allows you to edit the title using dictation. The following commands are available:
“Accept” saves the current title.
“Restart” deletes the current title and listens for a new one.
“Append” allows you to add new dictation to current title.
“Save capture”—Saves your capture session and allows you to access the Capture file by plugging your device into your computer. For more information, see the Access the capture File section in Create and Edit Procedures with Vuforia Editor.
Cancel the capture session
“Cancel capture”
If you cancel the capture session, all data collected and recorded up to that point will be lost.
Turn on the device flashlight.
“Flashlight on”
To turn it off, say, “Flashlight off.”
For information about RealWear voice commands, see the RealWear Navigator 500 Series User Guide.