For information about What’s New in the PTC Admin Center, see Release Notes in the Help Center for the PTC Admin Center.
Ability to Download a Procedure .zip
A new option to download a .zip file of all procedure contents is now available. It is available from the PUBLISH tab, and the VERSIONS AND HISTORY table. The .html file contained in the .zip can be used to view the procedure contents outside of Vuforia Expert Capture. The contents can be stored outside of Vuforia in order to satisfy archive requirements for procedure content.
For more information, see Export a Procedure.
Improvements to Step Check™
The following improvements have been made to Step Check features and functionality:
• The upper value of the Step Check confidence has been updated to use the precision of the AI model. Previously, the upper value displayed the recall.
• When renaming a Step Check, the name cannot be left empty or cannot consist solely of blank spaces. Additionally, leading or trailing spaces in the name will be automatically removed.
• An Author with only Read permissions can now see the confidence value for a Step Check; they can also use the filters on the Step Check dashboard.
• An issue was resolved where the TAB key did not behave as expected on the STEP CHECK tab. The TAB key now behaves as follows:
◦ TAB navigates to the next step.
◦ SHIFT + TAB navigates to the previous step.
◦ When the last step is reached, the TAB key does not create a new step in the background.
Known Issue: Unable to Upload Files to Vuforia Editor in Chrome for Mac OS
There is currently a known issue in Chrome for Mac where users are unable to upload files to Vuforia Editor when using Chrome and If you are using either of the aforementioned versions of Chrome for Mac, please update to Chrome 123.0.6312.10 to resolve the issue.
According to Google, this issue should be resolved in Chrome For more information, see Google’s IssueTracker.
◦ The following pieces of text in Step Check training cards have been updated so that they are no longer misleading and/or incorrect:
▪ Text for the training state selection
▪ Text for the training successful message
◦ After ending a Step Check training session, the user is redirected to the procedure start screen. Previously, the procedure was completely exited upon ending a training session.
◦ The internal logic used for the Automatic Image Feedback feature for Step Check has been updated to reduce the number of blurry images captured. When a device is too close to Step Check area or the camera is adjusting focus, feedback images will not be taken. In addition, the internal image scoring now always prefers a sharp feedback image over a blurry one.
◦ The internal logic for occlusion handling in Step Check has been updated. When viewing a Step Check area from a position in that is occluded by the 3D object, Step Check results will not be returned and training images will not be collected. These changes will provide higher and improved precision. The existing occlusion criteria has also been moderately relaxed to accept slightly occluded images; this will allow Step Check to operate in more obstructed scenarios where viewing positions are often partially occluded by other structures.
• The animation that is played when tracking has been acquired has been shortened from 4 seconds to 1 second.
• The following bugs have been addressed:
◦ An issue was resolved where Automatic Image Feedback was not working correctly for steps that were in Setup mode.
◦ An issue was resolved where when users started Step Check training mode on procedures that required a serial ID, a messaging saying, “serial id is not provided” was shown at the bottom of the screen by mistake.
◦ An issue was resolved where opening a saved session when a newer version of the procedure had been published caused the following issue with the Step Check training:
▪ A popup informing the user of a new version appeared one time when starting the session, and then once again when clicking Step Check training; any further progress was then terminated. The first popup works as expected, but the second popup was not and has been fixed. Previously, the workaround for this issue was to close the procedure on the mobile device, and open it new.
◦ An issue was resolved where downloaded procedures were not sorted in the download order (which is the expected behavior), but were incorrectly sorted by alphabetical order.
◦ An issue was resolved where the wrong text was shown in the error message that was displayed when a user tried to load a private procedure from a different organization. For example, if a user from Organization A tried to load a private procedure from Organization B.
◦ After ending a Step Check training session, the user is redirected to the procedure start screen. Previously, the procedure was completely exited upon ending a training session.
◦ The internal logic used for the Automatic Image Feedback feature for Step Check has been updated to reduce the number of blurry images captured. When a device is too close to Step Check area or the camera is adjusting focus, feedback images will not be taken. In addition, the internal image scoring now always prefers a sharp feedback image over a blurry one.
◦ The internal logic for occlusion handling in Step Check has been updated. When viewing a Step Check area from a position in that is occluded by the 3D object, Step Check results will not be returned and training images will not be collected. These changes will provide higher and improved precision. The existing occlusion criteria has also been moderately relaxed to accept slightly occluded images; this will allow Step Check to operate in more obstructed scenarios where viewing positions are often partially occluded by other structures.
◦ The following pieces of text in Step Check training cards have been updated so that they are no longer misleading and/or incorrect:
▪ Text for the training state selection
▪ Text for the training successful message
• The animation that is played when tracking has been acquired has been shortened from 4 seconds to 1 second.
• The following bugs have been addressed:
◦ An issue was resolved where Automatic Image Feedback was not working correctly for steps that were in Setup mode.
◦ An issue was resolved where when users started Step Check training mode on procedures that required a serial ID, a messaging saying, “serial id is not provided” was shown at the bottom of the screen by mistake.
◦ An issue was resolved where when Vuforia Vantage was sent to the background while executing a procedure, and then brought back to the foreground, the generic footer was no longer displayed.
◦ An issue was resolved where opening a saved session when a newer version of the procedure had been published caused the following issue with the Step Check training:
▪ A popup informing the user of a new version appeared once when starting the session and once again when leaving the Step Check training mode. While the first popup was expected, the second popup was not. Although no functionality was blocked, the issue was still fixed.
Additional Data Columns Available for Audit History Table
The following additional data columns and corresponding filters are now available under Select Columns option above the AUDIT HISTORY table:
• Setting Name
• New Value
• Previous Value
For more information, see Audit History Tab
New Audit History Events
Audit history events are now logged when a user:
• Generates a procedure .zip file
• Downloads a procedure .zip file
For more information, see Audit History Tab
Audit Trail Report Format Update
The format of the Audit Trail Report has been updated to match the column order and selections as seen in the web browser. The report also now includes any updates to organization settings in Vuforia Settings.
For more information, see Download an Audit History Report
Download Word Document Option Replaced with Download Procedure ZIP
The download Word document options have been replaced with the option to download a .zip of the procedure contents. This update has been made in two locations:
• Manage Procedures tab on the Distribution Lists page
• Procedure Details tab on the Procedures page
For more information, see Manage Published Procedures in the Distribution Center.
/report GET Method Deprecated and Replaced with POST Method
• The /report GET method has been deprecated and replaced with the POST method.
POST method supports the same list of filtering parameters, but they should be provided in the request JSON body, and not as query string parameters. In addition, by default, the POST method only returns the latest change for a step versus the GET method which returns all changes for a step.
• A new latestStepState query parameter is also available for both GET and POST methods that when set to true, returns only the latest changes for steps.
For more information, see Available Parameters.
For more information, see Accessing Procedure Execution Data.
Get Procedures API Supports include Query Parameter
The GET procedures API now supports a new include query parameter to filter results based on procedure status. This new query parameter allows filtering for only published procedures; if the parameter is not provided, the endpoint will behave as it has previously.
For more information, see Available Parameters.