ThingWorx Analytics Installation > ThingWorx Analytics Linux Installation > Installation Procedure - Linux > Silent Mode Installation
Silent Mode Installation
Silent mode installation of ThingWorx Analytics is supported for the Linux environment. In contrast to the graphical and text modes, where the installation proceeds through a series of interactive steps, the silent installation requires that all of the necessary input be included in the launch command. The installation then takes place with no further interaction required.
To launch the silent installation in a Linux environment:
1. Follow Steps 1 - 3 in the Text Mode Installation.
2. Open a terminal window and navigate to the directory where you saved the extracted launch files.
3. Run the following command, as root user, substituting specific information in the angled brackets:
./ThingWorxAnalytics-<n.n.n> --baseinstalldir "<base installation directory>" --unattendedmodeui minimal --mode unattended --accept_eula YES --THINGWORX_FOUNDATION_IP_ADDR <IP address or host name> --THINGWORX_FOUNDATION_PORT <Port where ThingWorx is running> --THINGWORX_APPKEY <valid ThingWorx App Key> --ANALYTICS_SERVER_THINGNAME <Analytics Server Thing name> --USE_SSL <true/false>
If the installer detected a previous version of the ThingWorx Analytics Server, and you opted to upgrade, the old installation directory is preselected for the baseinstalldir and you will not be able to change it. For more information, see Upgrade from an Earlier Version.
The Analytics Server Thing name must be unique within the server deployment.
An advanced option is available if you want to override the default user account during the installation. For more information about launching the installer with this option, see Change the User Account.
By default, all ThingWorx Analytics components are included in the silent mode installation. However, you can choose to disable certain components and install only a subset of the available components. The following components can be disabled: clustering, prediction, prescriptive, profiles, signals, training, or validation.
To disable one or more components, add the following snippet to the installation command above:
--disable-components <component_name>,<component_name>
For example, to disable the scoring components, add the following to the installation command:
--disable-components prediction,prescriptive
When the installation is complete, the command line prompt will be returned.
4. To test the product installations, see:
Verify the ThingWorx Analytics Server Installation
Verify the Descriptive Analytics Microservice Installation