Unauthenticated Configuration
1. Create an XML configuration file with the properties listed below. Save the file in your ThingWorx Analytics installation directory or in a repository that is accessible to your ThingWorx Analytics Server.
◦ fs.defaultFS – The URI of the default HDFS file system.
◦ hadoop.security.authentication – The type of authentication to use. Valid values are simple or kerberos. For an unauthenticated environment, use simple, which means no authentication.
Sample configuration file: /opt/hadoop/etc/hadoop/hdfs-client-conf.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2. For each ThingWorx Analytics service that requires HDFS access, edit the Java command line to include the following additional parameter:
-Dhdfs.config.url=filepath – Indicates the location of the configuration file