Set up User Access
You can set access controls for users of the Analytics Manager extension. Analytics Manager is accessible to the following user groups and organization:
• TW.AnalyticsManager.Admin user group
Members of this user group have permission to access Analytics Manager. A user must be added to this group to access the Analytics Manager application.
The following are the default members of this group:
◦ Administrator — The ThingWorx administrator user
The administrator has the permissions to edit agent things and client things. However, it is not recommended.
◦ AnalysisUser — The default Analytics Manager user. To log in to Analytics Manager as an AnalysisUser, use the following credentials:
▪ User name: AnalysisUser
▪ Password: test
ThingWorx administrators can change the password for AnalysisUser by completing the following steps:
1. From ThingWorx Composer, under Security in the left navigation pane, click Users.
2. Select the check box next to the AnalysisUser, and click Edit.
3. Under
Password, click

to change the password.
4. In the New Password and Confirm Password fields, enter the new password.
5. Click Save.
An AnalysisUser can change the password by completing the following steps:
1. Log in as AnalysisUser. Unless changed, use the default password, test to log in.
2. In the right corner, click the drop-down next to the AnalysisUser profile, and click Change Password..
3. In the Current Password field, enter the current password.
4. In the New Password and Confirm Password fields, enter the new password.
5. Click Done.
• TW.AnalyticsManager.Applications user group
Members of this user group have minimal access to Analytics Manager so that analysis tools can execute computation jobs requested by ThingWorx. The ThingWorx SDK-based agents or any third-party analysis tool communicating with Analytics Manager must add their communication user to this group.
• TW.AnalyticsManager.AnalyticsManagerOrgUnit organization
To control visibility permissions to Analytics Manager artifacts, Analytics Manager extensions are packaged with the organization.
All of the analysis entities are visible only to the members of this organization. By default, the two analysis user groups are added as members to this organization.
If you want to assign a Home Mashup that will launch automatically when a user or member of an organization logs in, see
Set a Home Mashup.