ThingWorx Remote Access Client (RAC) > Troubleshooting Remote Access > A Mashup and the raClientLinker Widget: Symptoms, Causes, and Actions
A Mashup and the raClientLinker Widget: Symptoms, Causes, and Actions
Each section below uses the symptom as its title and then provides the cause and actions to take to resolve the situation.
Symptom: Client Not Installed message is displayed when RAC launches (Mashup Widget)
To develop a mashup that responds to the user not having the Remote Access Client installed, the ClientNotInstalled event fires when the client does not identify itself to the mashup after a timeout period . The value of that timeout can be configured, and may need to be adjusted from the default (10 seconds, specified in milliseconds) if there is a long wait time for some mashup feature to display to the user (a link to download the client, for instance) or if that mashup feature is displaying in error when the client is installed.
CAUSE: The "Timeout to indicate that the Remote Access Client is not installed locally" configuration parameter is too short.
ADMINISTRATOR ACTION: From the Configuration page for the RemoteAccessSubsystem, raise or lower the timeout to fit the needs of the installation environment. Specify the new value in milliseconds. Here is the page, with the default timeout setting displayed:
Symptom: The ClientLaunchFailed event is being fired when starting a session (Mashup Widget)
CAUSES: The majority of the reasons the launch of the client might fail are specific to the type of Remote Access and are enumerated in the following topics:
ThingWorx Platform and ThingWorx EMS or ThingWorx Edge SDK agent — ThingWorx Internal Symptoms, Causes, and Actions
Axeda eMessage Agents and Axeda Global Access Server (GAS) — eMessage(GAS) Symptoms, Causes, and Actions
However, one general reason for this symptom is that the call to the StartSession service failed. This cause is the common reason for this event to be fired. Refer to Symptom: Call to StartSession service fails for cause and administrator actions.
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