ThingWorx Remote Access Client (RAC) > Troubleshooting Remote Access > Thingworx Internal Remote Access: Symptoms, Causes, and Actions
Thingworx Internal Remote Access: Symptoms, Causes, and Actions
Each section below uses the symptom as its title and then provides the cause and actions to take to resolve the situation.
<thing name> is not enabled for tunneling. Check the Thing configuration.
CAUSE: The Thing is not enabled for Tunneling.
USER ACTION: Enable tunneling using the enableTunneling property of the TunnelSettings configuration table on the Thing.
Error "Platform websocket error encountered (error:<...>)"
CAUSE: The platform connection was disrupted.
USER ACTION: Ensure that the connection to ThingWorx is still available.
Error "Platform socket failed to establish (check log)"
CAUSE: Unable to connect through proxy server or the ThingWorx Platform is unavailable
USER ACTION: The Remote Access Client connects to a ThingWorx tunnel nearly identically to the way any session connects to the platform for other session-related data; refer to the symptom, Symptom: The ThingWorx Remote Access Client (RAC) fails to connect to the platform when initiating a session for additional troubleshooting information. If this type of error occurs, it is likely that something interrupted the ThingWorx connection during session initialization.
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