ThingWorx High Availability > ThingWorx Flow in ThingWorx HA
ThingWorx Flow in ThingWorx HA
Make ThingWorx Foundation HA Instances Ready for ThingWorx Flow
To make ThingWorx Foundation instances with High Availability ready for ThingWorx Flow, complete the following steps:
1. On each ThingWorx Foundation machine, stop the ThingWorx-Foundation service.
2. On each ThingWorx Foundation machine, set the HTTPS_PORT environment variable. For more information, see Configuring SSL/TLS for ThingWorx Platform.
Installation Steps Specific to ThingWorx Flow in ThingWorx HA
If you are installing ThingWorx Flow in a ThingWorx HA environment, note the followings points specific to the ThingWorx Flow Configuration Information screen in the ThingWorx Flow installer. The entire ThingWorx Flow installation process is available here.
Copy the platform-settings.json file from one of the ThingWorx Foundation machines to your ThingWorx Flow machine.
1. In the IP Address or Host Name of ThingWorx Foundation field, specify the host name of the load balancer (HAProxy).
2. In the Local Port of ThingWorx Foundation field, specify the HTTPS port where ThingWorx Foundation is deployed. The default is 8443.
3. Under Protocol to access Foundation, select HTTPS (secure).
4. In the ThingWorx Foundation Settings File Path (platform-settings.json) field, click to specify the location of the local platform-settings.json file on the ThingWorx Flow machine.
Post-installation steps
1. On each ThingWorx Foundation machine, copy the OrchestrationSettings section (ThingWorx Flow settings) from the platform-settings.json file that is available on the ThingWorx Flow machine. For more information, see ThingWorx Flow settings in the platform-settings.json file.
2. On each ThingWorx Foundation machine, store the ThingWorx Flow secret keys in the ThingWorx Foundation KeyStore to establish secure communication between ThingWorx Flow and ThingWorx Foundation. Detailed steps for performing this task are available here.
Configure ThingWorx Flow in ThingWorx HA
Replace all occurrences of <NGinx_Host>:<NGinx_Port> with <Load_Balancer_Host>:<Load_Balancer_Port> in the following files:
1. In the <ThingWorx_Flow_Installation_Folder>\modules\ux\deploymentConfig.json file, change
"api_endpoint": "https://<NGinx_Host>:<NGinx_Port>/Thingworx/Flow",
"ENDPOINT": "http://localhost:8003",
"view": {
"oauth_server": "https://<NGinx_Host>:<NGinx_Port>/Thingworx/Oauths"
"oauth": {
"host": "http://localhost:7070"
"service_api_endpoint": "https://<NGinx_Host>:<NGinx_Port>/Thingworx/Lookups",
"lookup": {
"host": "http://localhost:8077"
"trigger_server": {
"host": "http://localhost:8004"
"twx_endpoint": "https://<Load_Balancer_Host>:<Load_Balancer_Port>/Thingworx"
"api_endpoint": "https://<Load_Balancer_Host>:<Load_Balancer_Port>/Thingworx/Flow",
"ENDPOINT": "http://localhost:8003",
"view": {
"oauth_server": "https://<Load_Balancer_Host>:<Load_Balancer_Port>/Thingworx/Oauths"
"oauth": {
"host": "http://localhost:7070"
"service_api_endpoint": "https://<Load_Balancer_Host>:<Load_Balancer_Port>/Thingworx/Lookups",
"lookup": {
"host": "http://localhost:8077"
"trigger_server": {
"host": "http://localhost:8004"
"twx_endpoint": "https://<Load_Balancer_Host>:<Load_Balancer_Port>/Thingworx"
2. In the <ThingWorx_Flow_Installation_Folder>\modules\lookup\deploymentConfig.json file, change
"ENDPOINT": "https://<NGinx_Host>:<NGinx_Port>/Thingworx/Lookups"
"ENDPOINT": https://<Load_Balancer_Host>:<Load_Balancer_Port>/Thingworx/Lookups
3. In the <ThingWorx_Flow_Installation_Folder>\modules\oauth\deploymentConfig.json file, do the following:
a. Change
"UI_ENDPOINT": "https://<NGinx_Host>:<NGinx_Port>/Thingworx/Composer/apps/flow",
"ENDPOINT": "https://<NGinx_Host>:<NGinx_Port>/Thingworx/Oauths"
"UI_ENDPOINT": "https://<Load_Balancer_Host>:<Load_Balancer_Port>/Thingworx/Composer/apps/flow",
"ENDPOINT": "https://<Load_Balancer_Host>:<Load_Balancer_Port>/Thingworx/Oauths"
b. Make sure that the load balancer host name appears in the WHITE_LIST_DOMAINS section:
4. In the <ThingWorx_Flow_Installation_Folder>\modules\trigger\deploymentConfig.json file, change
"DOMAIN": "https://<NGinx_Host>:<NGinx_Port>/Thingworx/Triggers",
"LISTENER_URL": "http://localhost:8004",
"TRIGGER_HOST": "https://<NGinx_Host>:<NGinx_Port>/Thingworx/Triggers"
"DOMAIN": "https://<Load_Balancer_Host>:<Load_Balancer_Port>/Thingworx/Triggers",
"LISTENER_URL": "http://localhost:8004",
Configure Load Balancer for ThingWorx Flow
For ThingWorx Flow, you must install the load balancer as HTTPS. For more information, see Configuring SSL/TLS for HAProxy.
1. Configure load balancer to enable routes to go to ThingWorx Flow. For more information, see Load Balancers for ThingWorx High Availability.
2. Bind the port and certificate in the frontend section if you have installed ThingWorx Flow in the ThingWorx HA environment. For more information, see FrontEnd information for ThingWorx Flow.
3. Add ThingWorx Flow backend configuration information. For more information, see BackEnd information for ThingWorx Flow.
4. Create a self-signed certificate for the load balancer. For more information, see Create a self-signed certificate.
Examples of frontend and backend configuration for ThingWorx Flow is available in HAProxy Example.
Start the Servers
Start the servers in the following order:
1. Start RabbitMQ.
Check the RabbitMQ log files to verify that RabbitMQ has started.
Windows: <ThingWorx_Flow_Install_Location>\modules\RabbitMQ\log
Linux: /var/log/rabbitmq
2. Start ZooKeeper. If you have more than one Zookeeper, start the other Zookeeper servers.
Using Command Prompt/ Terminal, verify that the Zookeeper server has started.
3. Start ThingWorx platform instances, one-by-one. For example, platform1, platform 2, and so on.
Check the <Path_To_Shared_Storage>/ThingworxStorage/logs/ApplicationLog.log file to verify that the ThingWorx platform instances have started. The log file for the specific ThingWorx platform instance contains the platform instance name.
4. Start the Nginx server.
Check the Nginx log files to verify that the Nginx server has started.
Windows: C:\Program Files\nginx-<version>\logs
Linux: /var/log/nginx
5. Start the ThingWorx Flow server.
To verify, start Command Prompt or Terminal as administrator, and run the following command:
Windows: pm2 ls
Linux: sudo pm2 ls
6. Start the load balancer (HAProxy).
Access the Statistics Report of HAProxy (load balancer) to verify that everything is up and running:
Provide the <stats_user> and <stats_password> that you configured in haproxy.cfg to log in.
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