• The Toolbar widget is available for ThingWorx 9.2.x and later versions.
• The widget is available as a standard inclusion in the platform and as a web component that you can import from an SDK.
The simple filter is enabled by default when you drag the widget to your workspace. |
Simple Filter | Chip Based Data Filter |
The property name appears based on your value for the actionId in your service. |
Action | Property/Event Name | Description | Example |
Button | <actionId>_Clicked | Triggers a bindable event when you click on the button. | Button1_Clicked |
<actionId>_Disabled | Disables the button action on the toolbar. | Button1_Disabled | |
<actionId>_Visible | Controls the visibility of the action on the toolbar. | Button1_Visible | |
Dropdown | <actionId>_Disabled | Disables the dropdown action on the toolbar. | Dropdown1_Disabled |
<actionId>_SelectedText | This bindable property enables you to set and retrieve the value of the selected text in the dropdown action. | Dropdown1_SelectedText | |
<actionId>_SelectedTextChanged | Triggers a bindable event when you change the selected text in the dropdown. | Dropdown1_SelectedTextChanged | |
<actionId>_Visible | Controls the visibility of the dropdown action on the toolbar. | Dropdown1_Visible | |
Link | <actionId>_Disabled | Disables the link action on the toolbar. | Link1_Disabled |
<actionId>_Visible | Controls the visibility of the link action on the toolbar. | Link1_Visible | |
Toggle | <actionId>_Disabled | Disables the toggle action on the toolbar. | Toggle1_Disabled |
<actionId>_State | This bindable property enables you to set and retrieve the state of the toggle button action. | Toggle1_State | |
<actionId>_StateChanged | Triggers a bindable event when you change the state of the toggle action. | Toggle1_StateChanged | |
<actionId>_Visible | Controls the visibility of the toggle button action on the toolbar. | Toggle1_Visible |
Property Name | Description | Base Type | Default Value | Bindable? (Y/N) | Localizable? (Y/N) | ||
ActionsData | The infotable data source that is formatted using the ToolbarActionData Shape to display and configure the toolbar action items. | INFOTABLE | n/a | Y | N | ||
CategoryLabel | The text that is displayed above the drop-down list for the filter categories. | STRING | Filter by | N | Y | ||
ConditionLabel | The text that is displayed above the filter conditions drop-down list. | STRING | Condition | N | Y | ||
CustomClass | The user defined CSS class to apply to the top div of the widget. Multiple classes can be entered, separated by space. | STRING | n/a | Y | N | ||
Disabled | Disables the widget in the mashup. The widget is displayed in the mashup but you cannot click or select it. | BOOLEAN | False | Y | N | ||
FilterChipPosition | Sets the position of the chip container for the data filter. You can display the chips at the top or at the bottom of the widget. | STRING | Bottom | N | N | ||
FilterData | The infotable source that contains data for the items to display in the dropdown of the chip filter. | INFOTABLE | n/a | Y | N | ||
FilterDateOrder | Sets the order of the day, month, and the year for dates that are displayed in the chip filter. The options are Auto, Day-Month-Year, Month-Day-Year, and Year-Month-Day. | STRING | Auto | N | N | ||
FilterDisclosureType | Sets the type of element used to show and hide the filter chips as Show Link or Button. | STRING | Show Link | N | N | ||
FilterFormatToken | Formats the chip filter dates using the “DD-MM-YY” pattern. The format is case sensitive and overrides the FilterDateOrder property. This syntax follows the ISO format. | STRING | n/a | N | Y | ||
FilterType | Sets the filter type. You can display a simple filter box or use the chip based data filter widget. Select None to hide the filter.
| STRING | Filter Box | N | N | ||
HideFilterSeparator | Hides the vertical line used to separate the data filter on the toolbar.
| BOOLEAN | False | N | N | ||
LatitudeLabel | The text that is displayed above the input box for latitude when you filter by location using the chip filter. | STRING | Latitude | N | Y | ||
LongitudeLabel | The text that is displayed above the input box for longitude when you filter by location using the chip filter. | STRING | Longitude | N | Y | ||
Query | The JSON query used to retrieve the filtered data set. | QUERY | n/a | Y | N | ||
QueryChanged | Triggers an event when the filter widget query is changed. | n/a | n/a | Y | N | ||
RangeEndValueLabel | The text that is displayed above the second input box when you filter a range of values using the chip filter. | STRING | Value 2 | N | Y | ||
RangeStartValueLabel | The text that is displayed above the first input box when you filter a range of values using the chip filter. | STRING | Value 1 | N | Y | ||
ResetToDefaultValue | Resets the inputs for this widget to their default values. | n/a | n/a | Y | N | ||
ShowCategoryListFilter | Adds a filter box to the drop-down list for the filter categories. | BOOLEAN | False | Y | N | ||
ShowHideFilters | Hides the disclosure controls and expands the chip container for the data filter widget. | BOOLEAN | True | N | N | ||
SortFilter | Sorts the list of options for the data filter categories in alphabetical order. | BOOLEAN | True | N | N | ||
SimpleFilterChanged | Triggers an event when the string in the filter box is modified. | n/a | n/a | Y | N | ||
SimpleFilterHintText | Sets the hint text for the filter box. | STRING | Filter | N | Y | ||
SimpleFilterLabel | Sets the label of the filter box. | STRING | n/a | Y | Y | ||
SimpleFilterPosition | Sets the position of the filter box on the toolbar. You can place the box in the Left, Right, or Center regions. When you set the position at Center, a SimpleFilterAlignment property appears in the list. | STRING | Left | N | N | ||
SimpleFilterAlignment | Sets the alignment of the filter box when it is placed at the center region on the toolbar. You can align the box to the Left, Right, or the Center. | STRING | Left | Y | N | ||
SimpleFilterString | Allows you to set or retrieve the string within the simple filter box. | STRING | n/a | Y | N | ||
SimpleFilterWidth | Sets the width of the filter box. | NUMBER | 273 | Y | N | ||
TabSequence | Sets the sequence number of the widget when you press the TAB key. | NUMBER | 0 | N | N | ||
UnitsLabel | The text that is displayed above the drop-down list to set the units when filtering by location or date using the chip filter. | STRING | Units | N | Y | ||
ValueLabel | The text that is displayed above the input box which contains the value for the condition in the chip filter. | STRING | Value | N | Y |