ThingWorx Model Definition in Composer > System > Subsystems > File Transfer Subsystem > Optional Security Enhancements for Remote File Transfers
Optional Security Enhancements for Remote File Transfers
For customers who desire additional control and security related to remote file transfers, PTC recommends implementing some or all of the below sample entities and the accompanying subscription.
The first entity below is a Data Shape that allows Administrators to configure their desired parameters for desired frequency and size of remote file transfers. The Data Shape allows for configuration of different settings for different ThingWorx users (and/or their associated application keys), as desired.
The second entity is a value stream, used to log the size and frequency of file transfers on a per user basis.
The third entity below implements a subscription that is triggered by every remote file transfer event. The subscription automatically does the following:
1. Provides an alert.
2. Freezes a file transfer.
3. Terminates the relevant WebSocket connection whenever a certain file transfer frequency is exceeded.
In the examples below, the logger statements are commented out and are only intended for debug purposes. PTC recommends that customers do not enable them in production to avoid exposing information unnecessarily.
Data Shape Entity
First, import or create a Data Shape consisting of three fields: Size, User, and Frequency. This will track the maximum permissible file transfer limits, by user.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- This entity is for informational and example purposes only, and you must configure/validate it to ensure that it meets your functional and security requirements. -->
<Entities build="latest" majorVersion="0" minorVersion="0" modelPersistenceProviderPackage="PostgresPersistenceProviderPackage" revision="0" schemaVersion="1045" universal="">
<DataShape baseDataShape="" description="DataShape for permissible file transfer limits" documentationContent="" homeMashup="" lastModifiedDate="2020-10-01T00:00:00.000-00:00" name="SizeLimits" projectName="FileTransfer" tags="">
<Owner name="Administrator" type="User" />
<avatar />
<Create />
<Read />
<Update />
<Delete />
<Metadata />
<RunTimePermissions />
<Visibility />
<ConfigurationTableDefinitions />
<ConfigurationTables />
<FieldDefinition aspect.isPrimaryKey="false" aspect.minimumValue="1.0" baseType="NUMBER" description="" name="Frequency" ordinal="3" />
<FieldDefinition aspect.isPrimaryKey="false" aspect.minimumValue="1.0" baseType="NUMBER" description="SizeLimit for user in bytes" name="Size" ordinal="1" />
<FieldDefinition aspect.isPrimaryKey="false" baseType="STRING" description="User name" name="User" ordinal="2" />
Value Stream Entity
After importing or creating the Data Shape, import or create the below entity to log the history of file transfers on a per user basis:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- This entity is for informational and example purposes only, and you must configure/validate it to ensure that it meets your functional and security requirements. -->
<Entities build="latest" majorVersion="0" minorVersion="0" modelPersistenceProviderPackage="PostgresPersistenceProviderPackage" revision="0" schemaVersion="1045" universal="">
<Thing description="ValueStream to log history of file transfers" documentationContent="" effectiveThingPackage="ValueStreamThing" enabled="true" homeMashup="StreamMashup" identifier="" lastModifiedDate="2020-10-01T00:00:00.000-00:00" name="VS" projectName="FileTransfer" published="false" tags="" thingTemplate="ValueStream" valueStream="">
<Owner name="Administrator" type="User" />
<avatar />
<Create />
<Read />
<Update />
<Delete />
<Metadata />
<RunTimePermissions />
<Visibility />
<ConfigurationTableDefinitions />
<ConfigurationTable description="Data Thing Configuration" isMultiRow="false" name="DataThingSettings" ordinal="0">
<FieldDefinition baseType="STRING" description="Persistence Provider Name" name="persistenceProvider" ordinal="0" />
<ConfigurationTable description="Configurable options to tune Value Stream performance" isMultiRow="false" name="PersistenceProviderCustomSettings" ordinal="2">
<FieldDefinition aspect.friendlyName="Persistence Provider Custom Settings Table" baseType="INFOTABLE" description="Persistence Provider Custom Config Table" name="customConfigTable" ordinal="0" />
<FieldDefinitions />
<Rows />
<PropertyDefinitions />
<ServiceDefinitions />
<EventDefinitions />
<ServiceMappings />
<ServiceImplementations />
<Subscriptions />
<PropertyBindings />
<RemotePropertyBindings />
<RemoteServiceBindings />
<RemoteEventBindings />
<AlertConfigurations />
<ImplementedShapes />
<ThingProperties />
Remote File Transfer Entity
Finally, import or create a Thing containing the below subscription, which will be triggered by each file transfer event:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- This entity is for informational and example purposes only, and you must configure/validate it to ensure that it meets your functional and security requirements. -->
<Entities build="latest" majorVersion="0" minorVersion="0" modelPersistenceProviderPackage="PostgresPersistenceProviderPackage" revision="0" schemaVersion="1045" universal="">
<Thing description="Thing for regulating Remote File Transfer" documentationContent="" effectiveThingPackage="RemoteThingWithFileTransfer" enabled="true" homeMashup="" identifier="FileRepo@ServerA" lastModifiedDate="2020-10-01T00:00:00.000-00:00" name="RemoteFileTransfer" projectName="FileTransfer" published="false" tags="" thingTemplate="RemoteThingWithFileTransfer" valueStream="VS">
<Owner name="Administrator" type="User" />
<avatar />
<Create />
<Read />
<Update />
<Delete />
<Metadata />
<RunTimePermissions />
<Visibility />
<ConfigurationTableDefinitions />
<ConfigurationTable description="Reporting Settings" isMultiRow="false" name="ReportingConfiguration" ordinal="0">
<FieldDefinition aspect.defaultValue="NotReporting" aspect.isPrimaryKey="true" aspect.isReadOnly="false" aspect.thingTemplate="ReportingStrategy" baseType="THINGNAME" description="Strategy to determine health" name="reportingStrategy" ordinal="0" />
<PropertyDefinition aspect.cacheTime="0.0" aspect.dataChangeType="VALUE" aspect.isLogged="true" aspect.isPersistent="true" baseType="NUMBER" category="" description="" isLocalOnly="false" name="Administrator" ordinal="2" />
<PropertyDefinition aspect.cacheTime="0.0" aspect.dataChangeType="VALUE" aspect.defaultValue="0.0" aspect.isLogged="true" aspect.isPersistent="true" baseType="NUMBER" category="" description="" isLocalOnly="false" name="EventProp" ordinal="4" />
<PropertyDefinition aspect.cacheTime="0.0" aspect.dataChangeType="VALUE" aspect.dataShape="SizeLimits" aspect.isLogged="false" aspect.isPersistent="true" baseType="INFOTABLE" category="" description="" isLocalOnly="false" name="Users" ordinal="3" />
<ServiceDefinition aspect.isAsync="false" category="" description="" isAllowOverride="false" isLocalOnly="false" isOpen="false" isPrivate="false" name="s1">
<ResultType baseType="INFOTABLE" description="" name="result" ordinal="0" />
<ParameterDefinitions />
<EventDefinitions />
<ServiceMappings />
<ServiceImplementation description="" handlerName="Script" name="s1">
<ConfigurationTable description="" isMultiRow="false" name="Script" ordinal="0">
<FieldDefinition baseType="STRING" description="code" name="code" ordinal="0" />
<code><![CDATA[var ed = new Date();

var result = me.QueryNumberPropertyHistory({
oldestFirst: undefined /* BOOLEAN */,
maxItems: undefined /* NUMBER */,
endDate: ed /* DATETIME */,
propertyName: "Administrator" /* STRING */,
query: undefined /* QUERY */,
startDate: ed-(24*3600*1000) /* DATETIME */
<Subscription description="" enabled="false" eventName="FileTransfer" name="FileTransferSub" source="" sourceProperty="" sourceType="Thing">
<ServiceImplementation description="" handlerName="Script" name="FileTransferSub">
<ConfigurationTable description="" isMultiRow="false" name="Script" ordinal="0">
<FieldDefinition baseType="STRING" description="code" name="code" ordinal="0" />
<code><![CDATA[var activeTransferJobs = Subsystems["FileTransferSubsystem"].GetActiveTransferJobs();
for each (activeTransferJob in activeTransferJobs.rows) {
var bytesTransferred = activeTransferJob.bytesTransferred;
var transferSize = activeTransferJob.maxSize;
var ed = new Date();
var user = eventData.user;
var last24HrsFileTransfer = me.QueryNumberPropertyHistory({
oldestFirst: undefined /* BOOLEAN */,
maxItems: undefined /* NUMBER */,
endDate: ed /* DATETIME */,
propertyName: user /* STRING */,
query: undefined /* QUERY */,
startDate: ed-(24*3600*1000) /* DATETIME */

//Aggregate for 24 hrs.
var totalTransferredBytes = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].Aggregate({
t: last24HrsFileTransfer,
columns: "value",
aggregates: "SUM"
var totalFrequency = last24HrsFileTransfer.length;

var defaultSizeLimitForUser;
var defaultFrequencyForUser;
for each(var user in me.Users.rows){
if(user.User == eventData.user){
defaultSizeLimitForUser = user.Size;
defaultFrequencyForUser = user.Frequency;

if(totalFrequency>defaultFrequencyForUser || (totalTransferredBytes.SUM_value + transferSize)> defaultSizeLimitForUser){
//logger.error("File Transfer Limit Exceeded : " + activeTransferJob.transferId);
//Send Alert
var eventPropValue = Things['RemoteFileTransfer']['EventProp'];
Things['RemoteFileTransfer']['EventProp'] = eventPropValue + 1;

//Freeze Transfer
//logger.warn("FreezingTransfer : " + activeTransferJob.transferId);
reason: "Surpassed file transfer limit of : " + defaultSizeLimitForUser + " bytes or frequency of " + defaultFrequencyForUser,
transferId: activeTransferJob.transferId
//logger.warn("Transfer Freezed : " + activeTransferJob.transferId);

//Closing Endpoint Session for User
result = Subsystems["WSCommunicationsSubsystem"].CloseEndpointSessions({
userName: activeTransferJob.user
//logger.warn("Session Closed for userContext : " + activeTransferJob.user);
me[eventData.user] = bytesTransferred;
<PropertyBindings />
<RemotePropertyBindings />
<RemoteServiceBindings />
<RemoteEventBindings />
<AlertDefinitions name="Administrator" />
<AlertDefinitions name="EventProp" />
<AlertDefinitions name="Users" />
<ImplementedShapes />
<FieldDefinition aspect.isPrimaryKey="false" aspect.minimumValue="1.0" baseType="NUMBER" description="" name="Frequency" ordinal="3" />
<FieldDefinition aspect.isPrimaryKey="false" aspect.minimumValue="1.0" baseType="NUMBER" description="SizeLimit for user in bytes" name="Size" ordinal="1" />
<FieldDefinition aspect.isPrimaryKey="false" baseType="STRING" description="User name" name="User" ordinal="2" />
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