The colors of the following elements:
• Core Colors—Core color values for items. Includes Primary, Secondary, Success and Danger
• Text Colors—Headers, labels, and body text
• Background Colors—Background colors for pages and widgets
• Line Colors—Borders, dividers, and interior lines
The font, thickness, and size of the following text elements:
• Headers
• Labels
• Body
• Links
The thickness of the following types of lines:
• Borders—Lines around the edges of a widget
• Dividers—Lines dividing sections in a widget
• Interior—Lines appearing inside some widgets
The color, type, and thickness of the focus box lines.
Background, border, text, sizing, and padding for the following types of buttons:
• Primary buttons
• Secondary buttons
• Tertiary buttons
• Danger buttons
• Transparent buttons
You can modify the active, hover, pressed, and disabled button states.
Grids and Lists
Background, border, text, sizing, and padding for the following types of widgets:
• Grids
• Lists and Dropdowns (Styles)
• Lists (Sizing and Padding)
• Dropdowns (Sizing and Padding)
Input Elements
Style settings such as background, border, text, sizing, and padding for the following types of widgets:
• Text Fields & Text Areas
• Checkboxes—Selected and unselected states
• Radio Buttons—Selected and unselected states
Style settings such as the background and border of layout containers within a mashup.
Style settings such as background, border, and text for the following types of widgets:
• Menus—Background, border, divider, and text for menu elements
• Primary Links—The active, hover, pressed, disabled, and visited states for primary links in a mashup
• Secondary Links—The active, pressed, disabled, visited, and hover states for secondary links in a mashup
Style settings such as the default size, background, border, and text for widgets tooltips.
Colors used to style each data series within charts. These styles affect chart elements such as lines, highlighted areas, bars, and columns, depending on the chart type and its configuration.
Background and border color of toolbars in the mashup. You can also set the border line width for the top, bottom, left, and right sides of the Toolbar (Preview) widget.
![]() | You can also use the Styles tab to preview CSS rules for the style theme. |