Errors on Connector Startup
Errors on Connector Startup
If your Azure IoT Hub Connector fails on startup, check the log for the Connector for the error messages described in this section.
Each topic below uses the text of an error message as its title. As appropriate, possible causes and solutions are provided for each error:
Error: Cannot find function GrantConnectorPermissions
Error: Failed to initialize Azure IoT Hub Connector due to invalid configuration
Error: Invalid service name: GetConfiguration
Error: Failed to start health check server. Address already in use.
Error: Unable to bootstrap required extensions
Error Entity PlatformSubsystem does not exist or is not yet associated with a Thing
Error: Unable to Invoke Service GetExtensionPackageList on PlatformSubsystem: Not authorized.
Error Failed to initialize all the egress handlers: Shared Access KeyName cannot be null or empty
Error: Exception while initializing stores, not starting partition manager
Startup Error: DerInputStream.getLength(): lengthTag=109, too big
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