Before You Begin Configuration
Before you begin the configuration of an Azure IoT Hub Connector, it is important to understand the format used in the configuration file. Once you understand the formatting requirements, review the sample configuration files provided with the Azure IoT Hub Connector. You will copy one of them to use as the azure-iot-sample.conf configuration file for your Connector. Refer to Sample Configuration Files.
Typesafe Configuration Format
You can edit the sample configuration file for the Azure IoT Hub Connector or create your own configuration file. The structure of the configuration file is hierarchical, and type safe, differentiating between strings and numbers. It consists of groups and properties. Groups can contain other groups, just properties, or a combination. The configuration file also supports multi-value arrays [ ].
The top-level group in the configuration file is called cx-server. For example:

cx-server {
thing {
name = "azure-iot-connector-123"
. . .
This expression is equivalent to the following expressions: = "azure-iot-connector-123"
Sample Configuration Files
The sample configuration files provided in the Azure IoT Hub Connector installation provide comments to guide you through the configuration for two different environments. The sample, azure-iot-sample.conf, is for the installation of an Azure IoT Hub Connector in a standalone ThingWorx Platform environment. The sample, azure-iot-ha-sample.conf, is for the installation of an Azure IoT Hub Connector in a ThingWorx High Availability Clustering environment.
Each file contains comments to explain the settings. The comments may be prefixed with // or #. Here is an overview of the contents of these files:
azure-iot-sample.conf — This sample file contains the minimum settings for configuring an Azure IoT Hub Connector to connect with a standalone ThingWorx Platform. To connect securely, use the settings for SSL/TLS in the security-sample.conf.
azure-iot-ha-sample.conf — This sample file contains the minimum settings for configuring an Azure IoT Hub Connector to connect securely to a ThingWorx High Availability Clustering environment. This file has been added for v.4.1.0 of the Connector. It is organized such that all settings that require a specific setting for your environment appear first, followed by the required settings that you should not change, and finally the optional settings. For secure connections, add the settings from the security-sample.conf file.
security-sample.conf — This sample file contains the required settings and options for configuring SSL/TLS for communications between the Azure IoT Hub Connector and ThingWorx Platform or ThingWorx HA Cluster.
Among the optional settings are configuration settings that you may want to use to fine tune your Azure IoT Hub Connector after operating it for a while. Refer to Fine-Tuning the Azure IoT Hub Connector for more information about these settings and what you may want to change.