Defining Equipment Relationships
Once an equipment type has been defined in the
EquipmentTypeSettings configuration table on the launch point configuration Thing, you can define the valid parent-child relationships for that equipment type. These parent-child relationships are used when creating your equipment and equipment structure. Equipment types that
derive from another equipment type automatically inherit the relationships defined for the type from which it derives. In order for equipment of an equipment type to be created in
ThingWorx Apps, the equipment type must be part of at least one valid equipment relationship definition, or be derived from an equipment type that is part of a valid equipment relationship definition.
Equipment relationships are defined in equipment relationship definition data tables. The
available equipment relationships for a context are determined by its specified equipment relationship definition data table. This data table is specified as the
EquipmentRelationshipSettings value for the context on the
EquipmentContextSettings configuration table on the launch point configuration Thing (
PTC.Factory.C_LaunchPointConfigurationThing_[ReleaseVersion]). An individual equipment relationship definition data table can be referenced by multiple contexts. This allows each of those contexts to have a unique equipment structure based on the same set of valid relationships.
The equipment relationships defined for the Site, Line, Asset, and KEPServerEX-Based Asset equipment types provided out-of-the-box with ThingWorx Apps are defined in the PTC.SCA.SCO.DefaultEquipmentRelationshipDefinition data table, and shown in the following image. By default, this data table is referenced as the EquipmentRelationshipSettings value for the DefaultContext provided with ThingWorx Apps.
The PTC.SCA.SCO.DefaultEquipmentRelationshipDefinition data table is overwritten during upgrades. A release-specific version of the data table (PTC.SCA.SCO.C_DefaultEquipmentRelationshipDefinition_[ReleaseVersion]) is provided for making changes to these default equipment relationship definitions. To make changes to the default equipment relationships that are provided with ThingWorx Apps, edit this release-specific data table, and update the EquipmentRelationshipSettings value for the default context (DefaultContext) to point to the edited release-specific data table.
Each relationship definition is a row in the Data Table Entries pane. The key value for a relationship definition is the combination of the child and parent equipment types in the relationship. By default, all information for a relationship is displayed in the Data Table Entries pane.
When you add or update an equipment relationship, or click Refresh, the Data Table Entries pane updates to show only the editable fields.
Clicking Save returns the Data Table Entries pane to the full information display.