Job Order General Information
The job order general information page displays the information for the job order that was either selected for editing in the Job Orders table, or that was just created. To edit the job order information, enter, select, or change the information as needed, and then click Save.
General Information page for a job order.
The following information is editable from the job order general information page:
ID—The ID for the job order. This value is initially set when a job order is created, and can be edited. The ID value is not required to be unique.
Work Type—Select the work type for the job order from the drop-down list. Possible values include: Inventory, Maintenance, Mixed, Production, and Quality.
Description—Enter a description for the job order.
Item—To link material to a job order, click Link icon. next to the Item field and search for the desired material. To clear the linked material, click Clear icon.
Priority—Select the priority for the job order from the drop-down list. 1 is the highest priority; 10 is the lowest priority.
Dispatch Status—Select the dispatch status for the job order from the drop-down list. Possible values include: Canceled, Completed, Dispatched, Delayed, Held, or Pending.
Quantity—Enter the amount of the linked material that is required for the job order.
Quantity Unit of Measure—Enter the unit of measure applicable for the material quantity.
Planned Start Time and Planned End Time—Select the planned start time and planned end time for the job order.
Mashups and Widgets
The PTC.Factory.Demo.JobOrderGeneralInfoMashup mashup defines the job order general information display and editing. This mashup uses the following widgets:
TextBox widgets which display the label and editable values for the ID, Description, and Quantity Unit of Measure fields.
A read only TextBox widget for the Item field label.
A hidden TextBox widget which hold the UID of the material definition that is displayed in the Item field, if any.
Button widgets for the Browse for a link action (Link icon.) and the Clear button (Clear icon) on the Item field, and for the Save button.
A Navigation widget, which launches the ADD ITEM window when the Browse for a link button is clicked.
Multiple List widgets which provide selectable drop-down lists for the Work Type, Priority, and Dispatch Status fields.
A Numeric Entry widget for the Quantity field, which allows entry of a number.
Label widgets for the Planned Start Time and Planned End Time field labels.
Date Time Picker widgets, used to select the values for the Planned Start Time and Planned End Time fields.
The input for the PTC.Factory.Demo.JobOrderGeneralInfoMashup is the UID of the job order that was selected for editing on the Job Orders table, or that was just created.
When Save is clicked, the UpdateJobOrders service executes, and sends the job order ID back to the job order detail page mashup.
The mashup uses the following services from the PTC.Factory.Demo.JobOrderUtils Thing:
GetJobOrderMaterialItemName—Retrieves the name of the material definition associated with the UID of the material selected on the ADD ITEM window. The ADD ITEM window is launched when Link icon. is clicked for the Item field.
GetJobOrderPriorities—Retrieves the list of the job order priorities to be displayed in the Priority field.
GetJobOrderView—Retrieves the information for the job order with the specified UID.
UpdateJobOrders—When Save is clicked, updates the job order.
The mashup uses the following services from the PTC.Factory.Demo.LocalizationUtils Thing:
GetDispatchStatusLocalizedValues—Retrieves the list of localized display values for the Dispatch Status field.
GetWorkTypeLocalizedValues—Retrieves the list of localized display values for the Work Type field.
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